www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgexprconstraint/updateranges.m

    function obj = updateranges(obj)
%UPDATERANGES Update the input ranges that are used for the constraint
%  OBJ = UPDATERANGES(OBJ) recalculates the input ranges that are used to
%  appropriately scale the constraint output.

%  Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

ptrs = getinputs(obj);
isok = isvalid(ptrs);
nInp = length(ptrs);

% LHS Range
if nInp>0 && isok(1)
    % Range of value expression
    Rlhs = ptrs(1).getcommonrange;
    Rlhs = [0 0];

% RHS Range
if obj.ExprEvalFunc==1
    % RHS is 0
    Rrhs = [0 0];
elseif obj.CompValueType==1 && nInp>1 && isok(2)
    % Get range of comparison expression - use interquartile to try to
    % mitigate optim scaling issues.
    Rrhs = ptrs(2).getcommonrange;
elseif obj.CompValueType==0
    % Constant
    Rrhs = [obj.CompValue, obj.CompValue];
    Rrhs = [0 0];

% scale is max distance between range edges of each side.  To get this we
% only need to compare whether max_A-min_B is bigger than max_B-min_A.
sc = max(abs(Rrhs(1)-Rlhs(2)), abs(Rlhs(1)-Rrhs(2)));

% Don't allow a zero scaling coefficient
if sc==0
    sc = 1;

obj.DistanceScale = sc;