www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgnormaliser/BP_opt.m

    function [LT, cost, OK, msg, varargout] = BP_opt(LT,om, sf)

%  Copyright 2000-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% called by bpopt.
% If nargout>3, then varargout contains the spline data that we develop.
%   The method proceeds as follows: firstly evaluate the model over the chosen grid and then use this grid and graph
% to generate a spline approximation to the graph. To determine whether the current choice of breakpoints is any
% good we need to create a lookup table based on the new breakpoints that approximates the model. To do this evaluate
% the spline at the new breakpoint positions and use the resulting matrix as the values matrix in the lookup table.
% The optimising function then evaluates the lookup table over the chosen grid and subtracts this from the model values
% at these values seeking to minimise the difference.

mod = get(sf, 'model');

% are all the variables in the table also in the equation?
[var, ~, otherVariables]= getvariables(LT,mod);

[saveothervar, OK, msg] = setVariables(LT, otherVariables,om);

if ~OK
    if nargout > 4
        varargout{1} = [];
        varargout{2} = [];
        cost = Inf;
    resetVariables(LT, otherVariables,saveothervar);

% (1) initialise stuff
BP = LT.Breakpoints;

Xexpr = LT.Xexpr;

endpointflag = get(om, 'FixEndPoints');
infoflag = get(om, 'UpdateBPHistory');

% (2) Determine values of x and y that correspond to the chosen grid
[savetablevar, OK, msg] = setVariables(LT, var,om);

if ~OK
    if nargout > 4
        varargout{1} = [];
        varargout{2} = [];
    cost = Inf;
    resetVariables(LT, [otherVariables var],[saveothervar savetablevar]);

abnormalflag = get(om, 'abnormalflag');
if abnormalflag
    % get variables to use in the table if there was a choice
    xstr = get(om, 'xVariable');
    for i = 1:length(var)
        if strcmp(var(i).getname, xstr)
            xvar = var(i);
        else % if it is not to be used as x, use the set point
            var(i).info = var(i).set('value', var(i).get('setpoint'));
            % I don't set this back again....
    mainvar = xvar;
    x = var(1);
    mainvar = x;

% (3) sets up the comparison matrix

M = evaluateaverage(mod.info,mainvar);

% (4) Compute approximation spline

Xk = Xexpr.eval; % values being fed into normaliser

if nargout > 4
    varargout{1} = M(:);
    varargout{2} = Xk;

Vx = LT.Values; % Values array of normaliser

Rx = Xexpr.eval; % X inputs to normaliser

BPLx = LT.BPLocks; % locked breakpoints

if endpointflag == 1
    BPLx([1;end]) = 1; % Lock endpoints if needed

Z = BP(BPLx == 0); % values of variables breakpoints

Bex = BP(end); % largest breakpoint
Bix = BP(1); % minimum BP

Zt1 = (BP-Bix)/(Bex-Bix); % Transform BP's to [0,1]

indx = (1:length(Zt1))';

Z1L = Zt1(BPLx == 1); % transformed values of locked BP's

Idx = indx(BPLx == 1);% index of locked BP's

if BPLx(1)==0 % if bottom is not locked, then add it to the locked transformed BP's
    Z1L = [Zt1(1);Z1L];
    Idx = [0;Idx];
if BPLx(end) == 0 % ditto top
    Z1L = [Z1L;Zt1(end)];
    Idx = [Idx;length(Zt1)];

if BPLx(1)==0 % if bottom is not locked, then add it to the locked transformed BP's
    Z1L = [Zt1(end);Z1L];
    Idx = [1;Idx];
if BPLx(end) == 0 % ditto top
    Z1L = [Z1L;Zt1(end)];
    Idx = [Idx;length(Zt1)];

Zjx = [];

for i = 2:length(Z1L)
    if Idx(i-1)+1<=Idx(i)-1
        Zjx = [Zjx;eval(cgmathsobject,'jupp',Zt1(Idx(i-1)+1:Idx(i)-1),Z1L(i-1),Z1L(i))]; % perform Jupp t'form on BP values
        % between successive locked BP's

linear1fH = gethandle(cgmathsobject,'linear1');
invjuppfH = gethandle(cgmathsobject,'invjupp');
juppfilterfH = gethandle(cgmathsobject,'juppfilter');

fopts = optimset(optimset('lsqnonlin'),...
if numel(M)<numel(Zjx)
    % use Levenberg-Marquardt if there is not enough data
    fopts= optimset(fopts,'LargeScale','off');
    %ignore bounds
    LB = sqrt(eps)*ones(length(Z),1);
% normalize cost function based on starting values
M = M(:);
c0 = 1;
Zjx(Zjx<=0)= 0.5;
if ~isfinite(c0) || c0<sqrt(eps)
    % if the initial cost is too small then we won't try any any scaling
    c0 = 1;
Zout = lsqnonlin(@i_cost,Zjx,LB,[],fopts,Idx);

[~,BP] = undoJupp(Zout,Idx);

% clean up

if infoflag == 1
    LT = set(LT,'breakpoints',{BP(:),'Optimized'});
    LT = setBPunofficial(LT, BP(:));

resetVariables(LT, [otherVariables var],[saveothervar savetablevar]);
cost = Inf;
OK = 1;
msg = '';

% cost function
    function Zout = i_cost(Z,Idx)
    %adapted from BreakpointAnalysis/Optimisation/BPValopt1
    % OUT = BPVALOPT1(Z,Vx,RX,XkS,M,Idx,ct,BPcx,ZLxBex,Bix)
    % Breakpoint optimisation function for one normaliser to be used with lsqnonlin. Arguments are as follows:
    %               Z - current Jupped breakpoint values,
    %               Vx - values field of x normaliser,
    %               Rx - X values being used in optimisation,
    %               V -
    %               Xk -
    %               M - cell of comparison matrices,
    %               Idx - Indices of locked x breakpoints,
    %               ZLx - Scaled value of locked x breakpoints,
    %               Bex - value of x endpoint,
    %               Bix - value of x starting point,
    % Undo Jupp transform
    penx = 1;
    [Znx,BP1] = undoJupp(Z,Idx);
    % Problem we now face is that although what follows is designed to prevent coalescing BP's, the user
    % may have forced and locked some BP's to be repeated, in which case the following lines computing penx and peny
    % will be a source of eternal infinities the like of which will confuse and confound our poor optimiser and lead to
    % an ever present hour glass marking time until a reboot. So to prevent this undesirable state of affairs and return
    % things to arrowlike sanity we will attempt to strip out the naughty BP's before computing penx and peny. Why not smack
    % it with a unique and be done you say, it is left as an exercise to the reader to work out why this frankly stinks - but
    % as a hint, what if the optimiser puts one BP on top of another, a unique would not allow us to penalise this.
    if Idx(1) == 0 
        Idx(1) = [];
        Idx(end) = [];
        Znx = feval(juppfilterfH,Znx,Idx);
        penx = penx*(1-0.1*sum(log((length(Znx)+1)/2*diff([-1;Znx;2]))));
        Znx = feval(juppfilterfH,Znx,Idx);
        penx = penx*(1-0.1*sum(log((Idx(end)+1)/2*diff([-1;Znx;2]))));
    n = max(Vx);
    BPI1 = feval(linear1fH,Vx,BP1,0:n); % find interpolated BP's
    VAL = feval(linear1fH,Xk,M,BPI1); % get values field corresponding to these new BP's
    E = feval(linear1fH,BPI1,VAL,Rx); % approximation to model based on these new BP's
    opt = M-E(:); % error estimate
    Zout = opt*penx/c0;

    function [Znx,BP1] = undoJupp(Z,Idx)
    % Undo Jupp transform
    Znx = Z1L(1);
    count = 0;
    for j = 2:length(Idx)
        ztemp = [];
        if Idx(j-1)+1<=Idx(j)-1
            ztemp = feval(invjuppfH,Z(count+1:count+Idx(j)-Idx(j-1)-1),Z1L(j-1),Z1L(j));
            count = count+Idx(j)-Idx(j-1)-1;
        Znx = [Znx;ztemp;Z1L(j)];
    BP1 = Bix+(Bex-Bix)*(Znx); % undo t'form to [0,1]
