www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgnormaliser/getDenormalizedBP.m

    function out = getDenormalizedBP(obj)
%GETDENORMALIZEDBP Return the denormalized breakpoints for the table cells
%   [AX1, AX2, ...] = GETDENORMALIZEDBP(OBJ) returns the real-world
%   breakpoint values for the table cells.  These are the values that are
%   equivalent to inverting (0:tablesize-1) through an axis' normalizer.
%   Note that 1D tables treat their first and only axis as the rows of a 1D
%   matrix.  Other tables treat their first axis as columns, second axis as
%   rows and 3rd and higher axes then correspond to the dimension order of a
%   MATLAB matrix.

%  Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc. 

% getDenormalisedBP returns breakpoints as row vectors
out = obj.Breakpoints';