www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgnormfunction/BPinit_curv.m

    function [LT,cost,OK, msg] = BPinit_curv(LT,om, sf)
% LT = BPinit_curv(LT,om, sf)
% LT - cgnormfunction

%  Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% see pg 46 of Carl de Boor's 'A Practical guide to splines',
% which gives a method of choosing knots for 1D linear splines

Norm = LT.Xexpr;% get the normaliser
BPx = Norm.get('breakpoints');%get breakpoints
BPxval = Norm.get('values');
valx =min(BPxval):max(BPxval);
ngBPx = length(valx)-length(intersect(valx, BPxval));% number of green breakpoints in x

Xexpr = Norm.get('x');%pointer to x-coordinates of first normalizer

eq = get(sf, 'model');

% get pointers to the variables feeding into the LT
[var, ~, otherVariables] = getvariables(LT,eq);
x = var(1);

if length(var) > 1
    OK = 0;
    msg = 'There is more than one variable feeding into the normalizer.  Try optimizing instead. ';
    cost = Inf;

xval = x.eval;%store the original values in 'x' and 'y' so we can reset at the end

saveothervar = setVariables(LT, otherVariables,om);

savetablevar = cell(1, length(var));
range = zeros(length(var), 2);
for i = 1:length(var)
    savetablevar{i} = var(i).eval;
    range(i,1:2) = get(om, ['Range_' var(i).getname]);
    if range(i,1) >=  range(i,2)
        OK = 0;
        msg = ['Range_' var(i).getname ' must be strictly increasing.'];
        cost = Inf;
        resetVariables(LT, [otherVariables var(1:i)],[saveothervar savetablevar]);

BPLx = Norm.get('bplocks');%BPL locked breakpoints
nx = length(BPLx);%number of red breakpoints in x

% if the locks are empty, assume there are no locks
if isempty(nx)
    nx = length(BPx);
    BPLx = false(nx,0);

nBPx = nx + ngBPx;%total number of breakpoints
% set the values of the variables to be the endpoints of the range
x.info = x.set('value',range(1,:));

% get the end breakpoints
Xk = Xexpr.eval;

% set the end breakpoints
if BPLx(1) >0 || BPLx(end) > 0  % if the end points are locked
    %leave the end breakpoints alone
    BPx(1) = min(Xk);
    BPx(nx) = max(Xk);

lockindx = find(BPLx >0);
% lock the end breakpoints
lockindx = unique([1; lockindx; nx]);

% share the average curvature between the locked breakpoints
for  i = 1:length(lockindx) -1
    % number of breakpoints between two adjacent locked ones
    nbetweenx = lockindx(i+1) - lockindx(i) - 1;
    if nbetweenx > 0 % if there is space between locked BPs
        % Set up grid of test knots, from which we will select a good choice of initial knots
        % test 10 x (the number of desired knots)  possible positions in both x and y
        numxtestknots = 10*(nbetweenx+2); %10 times the number of bps between the locked ones

        xtestBP = linspace(BPx(lockindx(i)),BPx(lockindx(i+1)),numxtestknots);
        % set the xexpr to equal xtestBP, by playing with the variable x
        [x, OK, msg] = setvalue(Xexpr.info,xtestBP,x);
        if ~OK
            OK = 0;
            msg = 'Problem inverting the normalizer';
            resetVariables(LT, [otherVariables var],[saveothervar savetablevar]);
            x.info = x.set('value',xval);

        % we now take into account the value of eq, at a wider range of values of the other variables
        M = evaluateaverage(eq.info,x);

        % check for infs and NaNs
        anynan = find(isnan(M), 1);
        anyinfin = find(isinf(M), 1);
        if ~isempty(anynan)
            cost = Inf;
            OK = 0;
            msg = 'Models returns NaN''s.';
            % reset values
            x.info = x.set('value',xval);
            resetVariables(LT, otherVariables,saveothervar);
        elseif ~isempty(anyinfin)
            cost = Inf;
            OK = 0;
            msg = 'Model gets infinite.';
            % reset values
            x.info = x.set('value',xval);
            resetVariables(LT, otherVariables,saveothervar);
        xcurvs = diff(M,2);

        %measure of the total curvature in x between the locked breakpoints
        totalxcurv= sum(sqrt(abs(xcurvs)))/(numxtestknots-3); %measure of the total curvature in x

        if totalxcurv == 0
            % autospace instead
            % reset values
            x.info = x.set('value',xval);
            resetVariables(LT, otherVariables,saveothervar);
            [om, OK, msg] =bpinit(LT, BPx(1), BPx(end), valx(end), nBPx);
            if OK
                [~, cost, OK, msg] = run(om, LT, []);
            if ~OK

        xcurvsofar = zeros(1, numxtestknots-2);
        for j=1:numxtestknots-2
            xcurvsofar(j) = sum(sqrt(abs(xcurvs(1:j))))/(numxtestknots-3);
            % a measure of the model curvature from the first breakpoint to the ith breakpoint

        Xk = Xexpr.eval;

        for j=1: nbetweenx
            %find at what x-value the xcurvsofar exceeds the fraction of the curvature
            %that should have happened by the jth breakpoint

            index = find(xcurvsofar > ((BPxval(lockindx(i)+j)-BPxval(lockindx(i)))/(BPxval(lockindx(i+1))-BPxval(lockindx(i))))*totalxcurv, 1);
            if ~isempty(index)
                BPx(lockindx(i)+j) = Xk(index); %set this to be the new breakpoint
                BPx(lockindx(i)+j) = max(Xk);

BPx = sort(BPx);

Norm.info = Norm.set('breakpoints',{BPx(:),'Filled - share ave curvature algorithm.'});

% reset values
x.info = x.set('value',xval);
resetVariables(LT, otherVariables,saveothervar);

cost = Inf;
OK =1;
msg = '';