www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/cgindependentvars.m

    function [pOut, pReject] = cgindependentvars(pIn)
%CGINDEPENDENTVARS Shorten a list of variables to only independent ones
%  P_OUT = CGINDEPENDENTVARS(P_IN) returns only those pointer in PIN which
%  point to independent variables.  Variables are non-independent when
%  their values are linked via formulas.  The simple case of this is when
%  PIN contains a variable and formula that depends on that variable.  More
%  complex cases can arise - for example two formulas that depend on the
%  same variable that is not in P_IN.
%  [P_OUT, P_LOST] = CGINDEPENDENTVARS(P_IN) also returns the list of
%  pointers that have been removed. 

%  Copyright 2000-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% use doubles to check because of speed considerations
pCheck = double(pIn);
isdep = false(size(pCheck));
objVar = infoarray(pIn);
for n = 1:numel(isdep)
    if issymvalue(objVar{n})
        % Replace formulae with the variable they are using for checking
        % purposes
        pCheck(n) = double( getvariable(objVar{n}) );
    isdep(n) = ismember(pCheck(n), pCheck(1:n-1));
pOut = pIn(~isdep);
if nargout>1
    pReject = pIn(isdep);