www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/+mbcgui/+multiview/AbstractMessageService.m

    classdef AbstractMessageService < matlab.mixin.SetGet & matlab.mixin.Copyable
    %mbcgui.multiview.AbstractMessageService class
    %    mbcgui.multiview.AbstractMessageService methods:
    %       getDataName - Get a name for the data being displayed
    %       hasData - Check whether the MessageService contains viewable data
    methods  % public methods
        function nm = getDataName(obj) %#ok<MANU>
        %GETDATANAME Get a name for the data being displayed
        %  NM = GETDATANAME(OBJ) returns a string that is the name of the data
        %  that is being encapsulated by the message service.  By default this
        %  returns the string '<Unknown>'.
        nm = '<Unknown>';
        end  % getDataName
        function ret = hasData(obj) %#ok<MANU>
        %HASDATA Check whether the MessageService contains viewable data
        %  RET = HASDATA(OBJ) returns true if the MessagerService object contains
        %  a data object that can provide any viewing data.
        ret = false;
        end  % hasData
    end  % public methods
end  % classdef