www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@mbcmultiview/@ToggleAction/setSelectedValueSource.m

    function setSelectedValueSource(obj, src, prop)
%SETSELECTEDVALUESOURCE Lock the selected property's value to another object
%  SETSELECTEDVALUESOURCE(OBJ, SRC, PROP) attaches a listener to the
%  property PROP of the object SRC.  When the value of PROP changes, the
%  Selected property of OBJ is updated to match it.  PROP must contain a
%  value that can be converted to a boolean - either a scalar numeric value
%  or an on/off type.

%  Copyright 2005-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

obj.Selected = i_getbool(get(src, prop));
if isgraphics(src)
    obj.ToggleSourceListener = mbcgui.hgclassesutil.proplistener(...
        src, prop, 'PostSet', mbcutils.callback(@i_setselected, obj));
elseif isa(src, 'mbcgui.wdget.Component')
    % MCOS widget
    obj.ToggleSourceListener = event.proplistener(...
        src, src.findprop(prop), 'PostSet', mbcutils.callback(@i_setselected, obj));
    % Assume a UDD widget
    obj.ToggleSourceListener = handle.listener(...
        src, src.findprop(prop), 'PropertyPostSet', {@i_setselected, obj});

function i_setselected(src, evt, obj)
val = get(evt.AffectedObject, src.Name);
obj.Selected = i_getbool(val);

function bVal = i_getbool(Val)
if ischar(Val)
    if strcmpi(Val, 'on')
        bVal = true;
        bVal = false;
    bVal = logical(Val);