www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@mbcwidgets/@VariableEditorTable/pSetNewValueAt.m

    function pSetNewValueAt(obj, rows, cols, values)
%PSETNEWVALUEAT set a new value at a specified row
%  PSETNEWVALUEAT(OBJ, ROW, COL, JVAL) updates the value at the specified
%  row and column from the java value object jval.  A VariableChanged event
%  is then sent.

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

SWITCH_RC = false;
if obj.ValueColumnCount==1 && any(rows>size(obj.VariableTypes,1))
    % Switch row and column indices for a 1D row of values
    SWITCH_RC = true;
    tmp = cols;
    cols = rows;
    rows = tmp;

for n = 1:length(rows)
    for m = 1:length(cols)
        row = rows(n);
        col = cols(m);
        jval = values(n, m);
        switch class(jval);
            case 'com.mathworks.toolbox.mbc.gui.value.ScalarValue'
                obj.VariableTypes(row, col) = 1;
                obj.VariableValues{row, col} = jval.getScalar;
            case 'com.mathworks.toolbox.mbc.gui.value.RangeValue'
                obj.VariableTypes(row, col) = 2;
                obj.VariableValues{row, col} = ...
                    [jval.getRangeMin jval.getRangeMax jval.getNumPoints];
            case 'com.mathworks.toolbox.mbc.gui.value.FreeformValue'
                obj.VariableTypes(row, col) = 3;
                obj.VariableValues{row, col} = jval.getVector.';
            case 'com.mathworks.toolbox.mbc.gui.value.LinkedValue'
                obj.VariableTypes(row, col) = 4;
                obj.VariableValues{row, col} = jval.LinkedVar;
            case 'com.mathworks.toolbox.mbc.gui.value.LogicalValue'
                obj.VariableTypes(row, col) = 5;
                obj.VariableValues{row, col} = jval.Value;

        if SWITCH_RC
            tmp = col;
            col = row;
            row = tmp;
        obj.pSendVariableChanged(row, col, jval.getValue);