www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@mbcwidgets/@itemList/incrementSelection.m

    function incrementSelection(obj)
%INCREMENTSELECTION Move selection down the list
%  INCREMENTSELECTION(OBJ) moves the selection to the next one in the list
%  as it is currently displayed on screen.  When the selection reaches the
%  end of the list it wraps to the beginning again.  If the selection is
%  initially empty, the top item is selected.  If there are multiple items
%  initially selected, the item after the first selection will become
%  selected.
%  Note that the selection is moved down the list as it appears on screen,
%  which may not be the same order as the list of items given to the object.

%  Copyright 2000-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if ~isempty(obj.Items)
    idx = obj.SelectedIndex;
    if isempty(idx)
        newidx = 1;
        newidx = idx(1)+1;
        if newidx>length(obj.Items)
            newidx = 1;
    obj.SelectedIndex = double(newidx);