www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@mvgraph4d/get.m

    function out=get(gr,varargin)
%GET   Get interface for the graph4d object
%  Implements get interface for graph4d object
%  Currently supported properties are:
%    'Position'
%    'Visible'
%    'Currentxfactor'
%    'Currentyfactor'
%    'Currentzfactor'
%    'Data'
%    'Factors'
%    'Parent'
%    'Frame'
%    'Callback'
%  The following return a handle, allowing you to set handle graphics properties
%  (NOTE - this could break the object if you're not careful!)
%      'axes'
%      'surface'
%      'xtext'
%      'ytext'
%      'ztext'
%      'xpopup'
%      'ypopup'
%      'xpopup'
%      'colorbaraxes'
%      'colorbarimage'

%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Bail if we've not been given a graph3d object
if ~isa(gr,'mvgraph4d')

ud = gr.DataPointer.info;
% loop over varargin
for n=1:(nargin-1)
    switch lower(varargin{n})
        case 'position'
            out = ud.position;
        case 'visible'
            out = get(gr.panel,'Visible'); 
        case {'data','number','value'}
            out = ud.data;
        case 'factors'
            out = ud.factors;
        case 'currentxfactor'
            out = get(gr.xfactor,'Value');
        case 'currentyfactor'
            out = get(gr.yfactor,'Value');
        case 'currentzfactor'
            out = get(gr.zfactor,'Value');
        case 'currentcfactor'
            out = get(gr.cfactor,'Value');
        case 'colormap'
            out = get(gr.colorbar.bar,'FaceVertexCData');
        case 'userange'
            out = get(gr.colorbar.userange,'Value');
            if out==0
                out = 'off';
            elseif out==1
                out = 'on';
        case 'factorselection'
            if ud.factorselection
                out = 'exclusive';
                out = 'normal';
        case 'limits'
            out = ud.limits;
        case 'frame'
            out = {'off','on'};
            out = out{ud.frame+1};
        case 'axes'
            out = gr.axes;
        case 'surface'
            out = gr.surf;
        case 'xtext'
            out = gr.xtext;
        case 'ytext'
            out = gr.ytext;
        case 'ztext'
            out = gr.ztext;
        case 'xpopup'
            out = gr.xfactor;
        case 'ypopup'
            out = gr.yfactor;
        case 'zpopup'
            out = gr.zfactor;
        case 'parent'
            out = get(gr.panel,'Parent');
        case 'colorbaraxes'
            out = gr.colorbar.axes;
        case 'colorbarimage'
            out = gr.colorbar.bar;
        case 'datatags'
            if ud.datatags==0
                out = 'none';
            elseif ud.datatags==1
                out = 'enumerate';
            elseif ud.datatags==2
                out = 'custom';
        case 'customdatatags'
            out = ud.customdatatags;
        case 'uicontextmenu'
            out = get(gr.panel,'UIContextMenu');
        case 'callback'
            ud = gr.DataPointer.info;
            out = ud.callback;