www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@xregGui/@PointerRepository/pSetAndUpdate.m

    function pSetAndUpdate(pr, fH, varargin)
%PSETANDUPDATE Set pointer properties on figure.
%   PSETANDUPDATE(PR, FH, PROP, VAL, ...) sets the properties specified on
%   the figure and ensures that changes to the pointer properties are made
%   visible.  The {PROP,VAL} pairs may be replaced with a structure that
%   can be used in a call to SET.

%   Copyright 2008 The MathWorks, Inc.

ptr = get(fH, 'Pointer');
ptrcdata = get(fH, 'PointerShapeCData');
set(fH, varargin{:});
ptr_new = get(fH, 'Pointer');
ptrcdata_new = get(fH, 'PointerShapeCData');

% Only issue a drawnow at all if the pointer has actually changed in the
% figure.
if (~strcmp(ptr, ptr_new) ...
        || (strcmp(ptr_new, 'custom') && ~isequal(ptrcdata, ptrcdata_new)))

    % Flush the change without doing any HG refresh or flushing the event
    % queue.