www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@xregGui/@axisslider/doDrawMarker.m

    function doDrawMarker(h)
%DODRAWMARKER Redraw the value marker
%  DODRAWMARKER(OBJ) redraws the value marker on the axis

%  Copyright 2000-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

val = h.Value;
if isnan(val)
    set(h.Marker, 'Visible','off');
    if strcmp(h.Orientation, 'vertical')
        mbcxlabel(h.Axes, '');
        mbcylabel(h.Axes, h.String);
        mbcxlabel(h.Axes, h.String);
        mbcylabel(h.Axes, '');
    % The figure units are pixels, and the
    % size of the axes is 1 pixel in the "minor" direction.  The
    % limits of the axes are the same in both directions.
    pos = h.position;
    lims = get(h.Axes, 'XLim'); % same as "ylim"
    % This is the value at which the marker is to be positioned.
    val = min(max(h.Value,lims(1)),lims(2));
    vert = zeros(3,3);
    hw = h.MarkerSize; % in pixels (in the "minor" direction)
    rng = lims(2)-lims(1); % slider range
    if strcmp(h.Orientation, 'vertical')
        axissize = max(pos(4),1); % size, in pixels of the axes in the "major" direction
        % In the "major" direction, the marker extends "MarkerSize" pixels
        % in either direction.  Calculate this in axis units.
        markerdelta_major = (hw/axissize)*rng;
        % Same as above, except that we know the axis size in this direction is 1 pixel
        markerdelta_minor = hw*rng;
        % One vertex at the current value
        vert(1, 1) = lims(2);
        vert(1, 2) = val;
        % One vertext up and to the right
        vert(2, 1) = lims(2) + markerdelta_minor;
        vert(2, 2) = val + markerdelta_major;
        % One vertext down and to the right
        vert(3, 1) = vert(2, 1);
        vert(3, 2) = val - markerdelta_major;
        % See explanation above
        axissize = max(pos(3),1);
        markerdelta_major = (hw/axissize)*rng;
        markerdelta_minor = hw*rng;

        vert(1, 1) = val;
        vert(1, 2) = lims(1);
        vert(2, 1) = val + markerdelta_major;
        vert(2, 2) = lims(1)+ markerdelta_minor;
        vert(3, 1) = val - markerdelta_major;
        vert(3, 2) = vert(2, 2);
    % Patch has only one face, joining the three vertices.
    set(h.Marker, 'Vertices', vert, 'Faces', [1 2 3], 'Visible', h.visible);