www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@xregGui/@dialog/pCreateButtons.m

    function buttons = pCreateButtons(obj)
%PCREATEBUTTONS Private method to create the Buttons.
%   BUTTONS = PCREATEBUTTONS(OBJ) Creates the buttons specified but the
%   Buttons property and returns a cell array of button handles in the
%   order they should be laid out (left to right). Also sets the dialog
%   CloseAction, again based on the Buttons property.

%   Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Here we translate the 'enumerated' Buttons [property to the names of the
% actions we need buttons for.  The order of the names is the order the
% buttons will be in.
switch obj.Buttons
    case 'OK_CANCEL_HELP'        
        actionNames = {'OK', 'CANCEL', 'HELP'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'CANCEL';
        defaultAction = 'OK';
    case 'OK_CANCEL'
        actionNames = {'OK', 'CANCEL'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'CANCEL';
        defaultAction = 'OK';
    case 'OK_HELP'
        actionNames = {'OK', 'HELP'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'OK';
        defaultAction = 'OK';
    case 'CANCEL_HELP'
        actionNames = {'CANCEL', 'HELP'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'CANCEL';
        defaultAction = 'CANCEL';
    case 'CANCEL'
        actionNames = {'CANCEL'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'CANCEL';
        defaultAction = 'CANCEL';
    case 'CLOSE'
        actionNames = {'CLOSE'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'CLOSE';
        defaultAction = 'CLOSE';
    case 'OK'
        actionNames = {'OK'};
        obj.CloseAction = 'OK';
        defaultAction = 'OK';
        % We should never get here - the check on the property set should
        % have errored if the value is invalid.
        error(message('mbc:xregGui:dialog:InvalidOption', obj.Buttons));

% If no DefaultAction has been specified use the calculated default.
if isempty( obj.DefaultAction )
    obj.DefaultAction = defaultAction;
    % check the user provided DefaultAction is one of the actions we have a
    % button for.
    if ~ismember( obj.DefaultAction, actionNames )
        error(message('mbc:xregGui:dialog:InvalidProperty', obj.DefaultAction, obj.Buttons));

numButtons = length(actionNames);
buttons = cell(1, numButtons);
for i=1:numButtons    
    name = actionNames{i};
    buttons{i} = obj.Actions.(name).createButton( obj.Figure );
    obj.ButtonHandles.(name) = buttons{i};