www.gusucode.com > mbcguitools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcguitools/@xregGui/setLegendData.m

    function setLegendData(L, Name)
%SETLEGENDDATA Set legend information for a line.
%   SETLEGENDDATA(L, NAME) sets a line to be legended and use the given
%   NAME as a string in the legend when these features are available.
%   SETLEGENDDATA(L, false) disables the legending of the line object if
%   this is available.
%   This helper function is intended to allow R2007b MBC code to assume
%   that the "DisplayName" and "Annotation" properties will exist in lines
%   when it is shipped, but not error while they are not.

%   Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

if ischar(Name)
    DoLegend = 'on';
    Name = repmat({Name}, size(L));
elseif iscell(Name)
    DoLegend = 'on';
elseif islogical(Name) && ~Name
    DoLegend = 'off';
    Name = repmat({''}, size(L));

for n = 1:numel(L)
    if isprop(L(n), 'DisplayName')
        set(L(n), 'DisplayName', Name{n});
    if isprop(L(n), 'Annotation')
        A = get(L(n), 'Annotation');
        A.LegendInformation.IconDisplayStyle = DoLegend;