www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregMdlGui/@PolynomialSplineOrderEditor/PolynomialSplineOrderEditor.m

    function obj = PolynomialSplineOrderEditor( varargin )
%POLYNOMIALSPLINEORDEREDITOR Constructor for PolynomialSplineOrderEditor object
%  OBJ = POLYNOMIALSPLINEORDEREDITOR(Prop, Value, ...) constructs an object
%  for editing the order of the polynomial and choosng the spline variable
%  in an xreg3xspline.

%  Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Is the first input argument a udd object derived from me? If it is then
% we are being called as a super class constructor and don't have to
% construct an object
if nargin && isa(varargin{1}, 'xregMdlGui.PolynomialSplineOrderEditor')
	obj = varargin{1};
	varargin(1) = [];
	obj = xregMdlGui.PolynomialSplineOrderEditor;
% Call the inherited constructor
% Call the inherited constructor
P = com.mathworks.toolbox.mbc.gui.peer.PolynomialSplineOrderEditorPeer;
   'SelectionMode', 'SingleCell',...
   'Editable', true,...
   'ValueChangedCallback', @i_valueChange,...

obj.Peer.setRowHeaderWidth( 100 );
obj.Peer.setHeaderRenderSelection( false );
obj.Peer.setCornerString( 'Symbol' );
obj.Peer.setColumnData( {'Order', 'Spline'} );

% Attach property listeners
obj.addPropertyListeners('model', @i_setModel);

obj.pSetModel( obj.Model );

function i_valueChange(obj, evt)
colIndex = evt.data.Columns;
rowIndex = evt.data.Rows;
newValue = evt.data.NewValue;

if colIndex == 1
    % this is an order change
    order = get( obj.Model, 'order' );
    order( rowIndex ) = newValue;
    obj.Model = set( obj.Model, 'order', order );    
    type = 'Order';
elseif colIndex == 2
    % this is a spline term change
    obj.Model = set( obj.Model, 'spline', double(rowIndex) );
    type = 'SplineFactor';

% change coefficients from zeros to default 1:n
t = termorder( obj.Model );
t = max( t );
obj.Model = update( obj.Model, (1:t)' );

obj.pFireModelChangedEvent( type );

function i_setModel(obj, evt)
m = evt.NewValue;
obj.pSetModel( m );