www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregfittree/build.m

    function varargout = build( Tree, varargin )
%BUILD  Build a regression tree for RBF fitting
%  TREE = BUILD(TREE,<OPTIONS>) build a regression tree model for the data in
%  TREE.
%  Options:
%  --------
%  MinPerPanel,      integer, default 2.
%     Minimum number of data points in a panel that is allowed to be split.
%  MaxNPanels,       integer, default Inf.
%     Maximum number of panels allowed in the tree.
%  PanelSize,        {'Cover'}|'Shrink',
%     How the sizes of the child panels are determined from the parent. 'Cover'
%     means that the total size of the two children should be equal to that of
%     the parent. 'Shrink' means that the sizes of the child panels should be
%     dictated by the data they contain. While this option would have no effect
%     if the tree was being built as a regression tree model, it will effect of
%     the RBF widths when it is being used to guide the construction of an RBF
%     model.
%  The overall syntax to build a model is
%     tree = xregfittree( xdata, ydata );
%     tree = build( tree );
%  See also XREGFITTREE.

%  Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Default values for user options
MinPerPanel = 2;
MaxNPanels = Inf;
PanelSize = 'Cover';

% Get user options
if ~mod( nargin, 2 ) % i.e., if nargin is even

for i = 1:2:(nargin-1)
    if strcmpi( varargin{i}, 'MinPerPanel' )
        MinPerPanel = varargin{i+1};
    elseif strcmpi( varargin{i}, 'MaxNPanels' )
        MaxNPanels = varargin{i+1};
    elseif strcmpi( varargin{i}, 'PanelSize' )
        PanelSize = varargin{i+1};
        error(message('mbc:xregfittree:InvalidArgument1', varargin{ i }));

nDim  = size( Tree.XData, 2 );

TwoMinPerPanel = 2 * MinPerPanel;

panel = 1;
Tree.UserData{1} = 0;
while ~isempty( panel ) && length( Tree.Parent ) < MaxNPanels
    % Find best place to split node
    % -----------------------------
    first = Tree.First(panel);
    last = Tree.Last(panel);

    bestCost = Inf;
    for iDim = 1:nDim,
        xData = Tree.XData(first:last,:);
        yData = Tree.YData(first:last);
        nData = size( xData, 1 );

        % sort data by coordinate in this dimension
        [junk, ind] = sort( xData(:,iDim) );
        xData = xData(ind,:);
        yData = yData(ind);

        % initialize totals of left and right subsets
        leftTotal  = sum( yData(1:MinPerPanel-1) );
        rightTotal = sum( yData(MinPerPanel:end) );

        % try all possible splits
        for iData = MinPerPanel:(nData-MinPerPanel)
            % try split between iData and iData+1
            % the iData point gets moved from the right subset to the left subset
            nLeft  = iData;
            nRight = nData - iData;
            leftTotal  = leftTotal  + yData(iData);
            rightTotal = rightTotal - yData(iData);
            leftMean  = leftTotal  /nLeft;
            rightMean = rightTotal /nRight;            
            iDelta = xData(iData+1,iDim) - xData(iData,iDim);
            if iDelta > 0
                diff = [ yData(1:nLeft) - leftMean; yData(nLeft+1:end) - rightMean ];
                cost = sum( diff .^2 );

                if cost < bestCost
                    bestCost = cost;
                    splitDim = iDim;
                    leftPoints = ind(1:iData);
                    rightPoints = ind(iData+1:end);

    if isinf(bestCost)
        % In this situation we didn't manage to calculate a cost for any
        % splits, which means the panel wasn't really splittable.  This can
        % happen if the panel contains only one unique xdata value.
        Tree.Splitable(panel)  = false;
        % Split node
        % ----------
        Tree = split( Tree, panel, splitDim, {leftPoints, rightPoints}, PanelSize );

        % Work out costs for new panels
        % -----------------------------
        [child1, child2] = getchildren( Tree, panel );
        setuserdata( Tree, child1, pr_VarianceCost( Tree, child1 ) );
        setuserdata( Tree, child2, pr_VarianceCost( Tree, child2 ) );
        setuserdata( Tree, panel, 0.0 );

        setsplitable( Tree, [child1; child2], ...
            getndata( Tree, [child1; child2] ) >= TwoMinPerPanel );

    % Find next panel to split
    % ------------------------
    tmp = find( Tree.Splitable );
    [null, ind] = max( [ Tree.UserData{tmp} ] );
    panel = tmp(ind);

% remove the user data
Tree.UserData = cell( size( Tree.Parent ) );

% all done, assign outputs and return
if nargout == 1
    varargout{1} = Tree;
elseif isvarname( inputname(1) )
    assignin( 'caller', inputname(1), Tree );