www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xreginterprbf/loadobj.m

    function m = loadobj(m)
%LOADOBJ Load filter for the Interpolating RBFs (XREGINTERPRBF)
%   M = LOADOBJ(M)

%   Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Check that the RBF has its Fit Algorithm set correctly
% -- previously there was bug that meant that the option manager for
%    the interp-RBF was set using "set( m, 'fitalg', om )". However, it
%    should be set using "setFitOpt( m, om )". This piece of code
%    detects when the buggy situation is in affect and tries to fix it.
fitalg = get( m, 'fitalg' );
if ~ischar( fitalg ) || strcmpi( fitalg, 'hybridrbffit' ),
    m = set( m, 'fitalg', 'hybridrbffit' );
if isa( fitalg, 'xregoptmgr' ),
    m = setFitOpt( m, fitalg );