www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregmodswitch/getSwitchGrid.m

    function gridOK = getSwitchGrid(m, varargin)
%GETSWITCHGRID Generate a logical grid of valid sites 
%  GRID = GETSWITCHGRID(M, X1, X2, ..., Xn) where X1...Xn are vectors of
%  input values for each switch input factor returns a logical grid of size
%  (length(X1)-by-length(X2)-by-...-by-length(Xn)) that contains true
%  values at the positions where there is a valid evaluation point.

%  Copyright 2000-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

swFact = getSwitchFactors(m);
if length(varargin)~=length(swFact)

dims = cellfun('length', varargin);
% find switch factors in the grid
GridDims = find(dims>1);
sliceDims = ones(size(dims));
sliceDims(GridDims) = dims(GridDims);
sliceOK = false(sliceDims);

gridcell = cell(1, length(GridDims));
switch length(GridDims)
    case 0
        % no grid dimensions are switch factors
    case 1        
        % ndgrid for one argument still makes 2 dimensional grid so don't call
        % ndgrid
        gridcell{GridDims} = varargin{GridDims};
        % use ndgrid for two or more factors
        [gridcell{GridDims}] = ndgrid(varargin{GridDims});
if any(dims==1)
    % fill in scalar values;
    gridcell(dims==1) = varargin(dims==1);
checkPts = zeros(numel(sliceOK), nfactors(m));
for n = 1:length(GridDims)
    checkPts(:,ind) = gridcell{n}(:);
sliceOK(:) = isSwitchPoint(m, checkPts);
gridOK = sliceOK;