www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregoptmgr/omnbisubproblem.m

    function [om, OK] = omnbisubproblem(om,Ctxt)
% omNBI. Create an options manager for NBI subproblem
%[om, OK] = omNBIsubproblem

%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% make a structure with all the necessary fields to be an optmgr

% adjust some of those fields
om.name = 'NBISubproblem';
om.RunFcn = @i_run;

% These options can be change by the optimisation manger's GUI setp
om= AddOption(om,'Display','none','none|iter|final','',1);
om= AddOption(om,'Algorithm','interior-point','active-set|interior-point|sqp','Constrained optimization algorithm',1);
om= AddOption(om,'MaxIter',2000,{'int',[1 Inf]},'Maximum iterations',1);
om= AddOption(om,'MaxFunEvals',10000,{'int',[1 Inf]},'Maximum function evaluations',1);
om= AddOption(om,'TolFun',1e-6,{'numeric','positive'},'Function tolerance',1);
om= AddOption(om,'TolX',1e-6,{'numeric','positive'},'Variable tolerance',1);
om= AddOption(om,'TolCon',1e-6,{'numeric','positive'},'Constraint tolerance',1);

% These options cannot be change by the optimisation manger's GUI setp
om= AddOption(om,'GradObj','on','on|off','',0);
om= AddOption(om,'GradConstr','off','on|off','',0);

OK = 1;

function varargout= i_run(Ctxt,om,x0,varargin)
% run function does nothing incase it is called

varargout= [{Ctxt,0,1},cell(1,max(0,nargout-3))];

function [f,g]= i_cost(x,varargin)

f= -x(end);
if nargout>1
    g= zeros(1,numel(x));