www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregrbf/centerexchange.m

    function [om,OK]= centerexchange(m)
% [om,OK]= centerexchange(m) sets up the optimMgr for a center selection algorithm.

%  Copyright 2000-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

om= contextimplementation(xregoptmgr,m,@i_centerexchange,[],'CenterExchange',@centerexchange);

% fit parameters
om= AddOption(om,'MaxNCenters','min(nObs/4,25)','evalstr', 'Number of centers',2);% percentage of data taken as centers - default 20 centers
om= AddOption(om,'NumLoops',20,{'int',[1, Inf]}, 'Number of augment/reduce cycles');
om= AddOption(om,'NumAugment',10,{'int',[1, Inf]}, 'Number of centers to augment by');
om= AddOption(om,'cost',0,'numeric',[],false);
OK = 1;

function [m,cost,OK]=i_centerexchange(m,om,~,x,y,varargin)

%  Inputs:
%				m - rbf object with centers
%           om - optimMgr created above
%           x0 - unused
%				x - matrix of data points 
%				y - target values

% Outputs 
%			   m - new rbf object
%           cost - GCV value of fit
%           OK - flag to say if we encountered problems


nObs = size(x,1);%number of data points
maxCStr= get(om,'MaxNCenters');
maxncenters = calcMaxNCenters(m,maxCStr,nObs);


%%%%%%%%%%% make a set of candidate centers 

centerdes = designobj(m);

% use a lattice design
centerdes = createcandset(centerdes,'lattice');
% Get the parameters stored in m
width = m.width;%width of the radial basis function
if any(width < eps) || size(width,1)> 1 % when each center has its own width 
   m = defaultwidth(m,x);%set the default width

lambda = get(m,'lambda') ;%regularization parameter 
if length(lambda)>1 % only use one lambda
	lambda= lambda(end);
   set(m,'lambda',lambda) ;

numloops = get(om, 'NumLoops');
m.centers = factorsettings(centerdes);

m = update(m, zeros(size(m.centers,1),1)); % increase the size of the linearmod
% reinitialise the model with the new centers
m  = leastsq(m,x,y);

% get the stats
 S= FitSummary(m);

press = S(4).^2.*nObs;
p = min(get(om, 'NumAugment'), nObs - maxncenters-1) ;% number of points to add in each loop

% set the model in the design object
centerdes = model(centerdes, m);
for i = 1:numloops
   % take a copy of design object in case things get worse
   % add p new points
   m.centers = factorsettings(centerdes);
   m = update(m, zeros(size(m.centers,1),1)); % increase the size of the linearmod

   % reinitialise the model with the new centers
   m  = leastsq(m,x,y);

   %delete p points
   [m, centerdes, newpress]=centerdelete(m, x, y, centerdes,press,p);
   if newpress > press
      centerdes = desobj;
      press = newpress;

m = update(m, zeros(size(m.centers,1),1)); % increase the size of the linearmod
[m, OK] = leastsq(m,x,y);%get the unregularised weights
cost= getFitOpt(m,'cost');