www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregrbf/cheapwidthopt.m

    function [m, cost ,OK] = cheapwidthopt(m,x,y)
% use fminsearch to find the optimal single global width using the existing centers and lambda

%  Copyright 2000-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

wid0 = m.width;
if size(wid0,1) == 1
   % set up the options
   fopts= optimset(optimset('fminsearch'),'display','iter');

   % Nelder Meade
   wid= fminsearch(@i_widthsearchcostfn,wid0,fopts,m,x,y);
elseif size(wid0,1) > 1
   cost = getFitOpt(m,'cost');
   OK = 0;
m.width= wid;

[m,OK] = leastsq(m,x,y);
cost= getFitOpt(m,'cost');

function cost=i_widthsearchcostfn(wid,m,x,y)

m.width = wid;
% least squares fit
[m,OK]= leastsq(m,x,y);
cost= getFitOpt(m,'cost');