www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregrbf/stepitrols.m

    function [om,OK]=stepitrols(m)
% XREGRBF/STETITROLS updates lambda while selecting centers 
%  Lambda selection is performed at the same time as center selection using rols.
%  Implemented as an xregoptmgr. This is normally a sub xregoptmgr (of e.g 
%  trialwidths). This routine is faster than iteraterols.

%  Copyright 2000-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

om= contextimplementation(xregoptmgr,m,@i_stepitrols,[],'StepItRols',@stepitrols);
% fit parameters
om= AddOption(om,'MaxNCenters','min(nObs/3,1000)','evalstr', 'Maximum number of centers',2);% percentage of data taken as centers - default 20 centers
om= AddOption(om,'PercentCandidates','min(100,(2000/nObs)*100)','evalstr','Percentage of data to be candidate centers');% number of candidate centers,take min(nObs,200)

om= AddOption(om,'CenterTol',0.01,{'numeric',[0 Inf]}, 'Center tolerance');% 1 for plotting
om= AddOption(om,'StartLamUpdate',5,{'int',[1 Inf]},'Number of centers to add before updating');% when to start updating lambda (after how many centers have been added)
om= AddOption(om,'UpdateInterval',10,{'int',[1 Inf]},'Number of terms between updating regularization parameter');% only update lambda every UpdateInterval iterations
om= AddOption(om,'Tolerance',0.005,{'numeric',[eps 1]},'Minimum change in log10(GCV)');% stopping criterion
om= AddOption(om,'MaxRep',10,{'int',[1 100]}, 'Maximum no. times log10(GCV) change is minimal');% number of times no large change in GCV is seen 
om= AddOption(om,'PlotFlag',0,'boolean','Display',false);%plot flag
om= AddOption(om,'cheapmode',0,'boolean',[],false);% no cheaper version available, not gui-settable
om= AddOption(om,'cost',Inf,'numeric',[],false);
OK = 1;

function [m,cost,OK,varargout]=i_stepitrols(m,om,~,x,y,varargin)
% adaptation of the rols algorithm to iterate lambda to reduce GCV after each center selection
% see 'Regularisation in the Selection of Rbf centers', Mark Orr

% it seems that iteraterols performs better than this one

%  Inputs:
%				m - rbf object with centers
%				x - matrix of data points 
%				y - target values

% Outputs 
%			   m - new rbf object

    CenterTol= get(om,'CenterTol');
    UpdateInterval = get(om,'UpdateInterval');
    CenterTol= 0;
    UpdateInterval= 1;

varargout = {};

nObs = size(x,1);

maxCStr= get(om,'MaxNCenters');
maxncenters = calcMaxNCenters(m,maxCStr,nObs);

if CenterTol>0
    candcenters = curvefitlib.internal.uniqueWithinTol(x,CenterTol*ones(1,size(x,2)));
    %  take all data points as candidate centers
    candcenters = x;

startlamupdate = get(om,'StartLamUpdate');
maxrep = get(om,'MaxRep'); % maximum number of repeated GCV values before stopping

% Get the parameters stored in m
width = m.width;%width of the radial basis function
nObs = size(x,1);%number of data points
if any(width <0) 
   m  = defaultwidth(m,x);%set the default width
lam= get(m,'lambda');
if length(lam)>1

tol = get(om,'Tolerance');%stopping criteria for adding more centers 0<tol<1
%  Set up the 'full' regression matrix, Phi
centers = x;%take the initial centers to be the data points
m.centers = centers;
Phi = x2fx(m,x);%

%%%%%%%%%%%adjust the number of candidate centers in pool
PcCandStr = get(om,'PercentCandidates');
PercentCandidates = calcPercentCand(m,PcCandStr,nObs);
ncand = max(1,round((PercentCandidates/100)*nObs)); % approximate number of candidate points to try

if size(candcenters,1) >  ncand
    [candcenters,sel] = xregrbfcentersel(ncand,candcenters);
    Phik= Phi(:,sel);

   %  take all data points as candidate centers
    candcenters = x;
    Phik = Phi;

lambda = 1e-4;% start with lambda at default

% choose centers with mx_rols and updateLamba algorithm
updateLamba= 1;
[rstats,centorder]= mx_rols(Phik,y,lambda,...
nchosen= rstats(1);
bestlambda= rstats(4);

centers = candcenters((centorder(1:nchosen)),:);%note, centers are in the order that they were chosen
m.centers = centers;
% solve for weights using mx_rols and force center selection for all nchosen terms
[rstats,~,WEIGHTS]= mx_rols(Phik(:,centorder(1:nchosen)),y,bestlambda,...

m = update(m,WEIGHTS);
cost = log10(rstats(2));
if isnan(cost)
    cost = Inf;
m = setFitOpt(m,'cost',cost);
OK =1;