www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregrbf/widthstep.m

    function [om,OK]= widthstep(m)
%XREGRBF/WIDTHSTEP an algorithm to to fit widths and do stepwise
% [om,OK]= widthstep(m);
% returns an optimisation manager for i_trialwidths, 

%  Copyright 2000-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% @xregrbf\widthstep

[omWidth,OK] = trialwidths(m); 

om= contextimplementation(xregoptmgr,m,@i_widthstep,[],'RBF Fit',@widthstep);

om = AddOption(om,'WidthAlgorithm',omWidth,'xregoptmgr', 'Width selection algorithm',2);

omStep = prune(m); 
omStep = set(omStep,'Criteria','AICc');
AllOpts= {@minpress,@forwardselect,@backwardselect,@prune,@lsqom};
omStep = setAltMgrs(omStep,AllOpts);
om = AddOption(om,'StepAlgorithm',omStep,'xregoptmgr', 'Stepwise',2);

function [m,cost,OK,varargout] = i_widthstep(m,om,~,x,y,varargin)

omWidth= get(om,'WidthAlgorithm');
%match center selection to the new lambda and width
if OK
    omStep= get(om,'StepAlgorithm');
    cost= 0;
varargout = cell(1,max(0,nargout-3));