www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregtwostage/copyToInternal.m

    function TS= copyToInternal(TS)

%  Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc. 

% twostage info

Inputs = getInputs(TS.xregmodel);
nl= nfactors(TS.Local);
% extract base local model
LocalInputs = Inputs(1:nl);
% copy to internal local model
%   input and output (no transform)
LocalInputs = copyToInternal(LocalInputs,getInputs(TS.Local));
TS.Local = setInputs(TS.Local,LocalInputs,true);

if ~isempty(TS.Global)
    % get models from two-stage
    HasDatum = isa(TS.datum,'xregmodel');
    mdls = TS.Global;
    ng = length(mdls);
    if HasDatum
        mdls = [mdls(:)',{TS.datum}];
    if ~isempty(mdls);
        InternalInputs = cellfun(@getInputs,mdls,'UniformOutput',false);
        % copy to internal global models
        GlobalInputs = Inputs(nl+1:end);
        % only copy input info
        [InternalInputs{:}] = copyToInternal(GlobalInputs,InternalInputs{:});
        % set inputs back in models - make sure targets are updated
        mdls = cellfun(@(m,Inputs) setInputs(m,Inputs,true),mdls,InternalInputs,'UniformOutput',false);
        % assign models back to two-stage
        TS.Global = mdls(1:ng);
        if HasDatum
            TS.datum = mdls{end};