www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregusermod/exponential.m

    function varargout= exponential(U,x,varargin)
%EXPONENTIAL exponential user defined model for MBC
% varargout= exponential(U,x,varargin)
% To use this function, the command 
%   U2= checkin(xregusermod,'exponential',xtest)
% must be run. The last argument is a column based input matrix to
% test the function. 

%  Copyright 2000-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% don't change this section of code
b= double(U);
if isa(x,'double')
   % shortcut for fast eval 
   % function definition
   % make sure this is vectorised
   % this line must not be changed
   varargout{1}= y;
    % x specifies which internal function to evaluate.
    % All internal functions are prefixed by 'i_'.
    % The model and model parameters are passed to all internal functions
    fInternal = str2func(sprintf('i_%s',lower(x)));
    [varargout{1:nargout}]= fInternal(U,b,varargin{:});

% The user must specify the following functions
% see xregusermod/weibul for an example

% mandatory functions

% n= i_numparams(U,b,varargin);
% n= i_nfactors(U,b,varargin);
% [param,OK]= i_initial(U,b,X,Y)

% optional functions

% i_jacobian(U,b,X)              % analytic jacobian
% i_foptions(U,b,fopts)          % optimisation parameters
% [LB,UB,A,c,nlcon,optparams]= i_constraints(U,b,X,Y)  % define parameter constraints
% g= i_nlconstraints(U,b,X,Y)    % evaluate nonlinear constraints
% str= i_char(U,b)               % display string for function
% str= i_str_func(U,b)           % one line summary of function

% optional local regresion functions

% names= i_rfnames(U,b)                 % response feature evaluation
% [rf,dG]= i_rfvals(U,b)                % response feature evaluation
% p= i_reconstruct(U,b,Yrf,dG,rfuser)   % local model reconstruction

% sub functions begin here

% mandatory functions

% i_nfactors number of input factors 
function n= i_nfactors(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
% you must specify this 
n= 1;
% i_numparams number of parameters 
function n= i_numparams(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>

% you must specify this or initial
n= 2;

% i_initial initial parameter values
function [param,OK]= i_initial(U,b,X,Y) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
if nargin>2
   % data dependent initial parameter values
   % Initial estimate of alpha and beta
   Xs= [ones(size(X)) log(X)];
   % Find alpha and beta
   p= Xs\Y;
   % parameters from linear regression
   alpha= exp(p(1));     
   % Returned parameter initial values
   param= [alpha beta]';
   % Bounds from spec.
   minbound=[1e-6 1e-6]';
   maxbound=[inf inf]';
   OK= OK & isreal(param);
   % defaults from spec
   param= [0.04 0.18]';

% optional functions

% i_jacobian           % analytic jacobian
% i_foptions           % optimisation parameters
% i_constraints        % define parameter constraints
% i_nlconstraints      % evaluate nonlinear constraints
% i_char               % display string for function
% i_str_func           % one line summary of function

% local regression optional functions

% i_rfnames            % response feature evaluation
% i_rfvals             % response feature evaluation
% i_reconstruct        % local model reconstruction

% i_constraints constraint definition for least squares fitting
function [LB,UB,A,c,nlcon,optparams]= i_constraints(U,b,varargin) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
% Lower Bounds, Upper Bounds  
% make sure these are column vectors
UB=[inf inf]';
LB=[1e-6 1e-6]';

% only bounds are used for local regression at present

% don't use bounds with linear constraints if you want to use large scale optimisation

% Linear A, Linear b  (A*b<c)

% no constraints
A= [];
c= [];

% Number of NonLinear constraints
nlcon= 0;

% optional parameters for cost function
optparams= [];

function fopts= i_foptions(U,b,fopts) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
fopts= optimset(fopts,...

% i_jacobian analytic jacobian (if defined)
function J= i_jacobian(U,b,x) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>

% return empty matrix if not defined
J=[exp(b(2)*x), b(1)*x.*exp(b(2)*x)];

% i_labels user parameter names 
function c= i_labels(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>


% i_char display equation string
function str= i_char(U,b) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
s= get(U,'symbol');
% this can contain TeX expressions supported by HG text objects
str=sprintf('%.3g*exp(%.3g*',b([1 2]));
str = [str, detex(s{1}), ')'];

% i_str_func one line summary of function
function str= i_str_func(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
s= get(U,'symbol');
% this can contain TeX expressions supported by HG text objects
lab= labels(U);
str= sprintf('%s*exp(%s*',lab{1},lab{2});
str = [str, s{1}, ')'];
% used for local regression only 
% all are optional

% i_rfnames  response feature names 
function [rname, defaults]= i_rfnames(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
% this doesn't need to be defined  even if you have defined user-specified rfs.

% response feature names 
rname= {'SPK(0.15)'};
if nargout >1
    defaults = 1:2;

% i_rfvals evaluate response features and gradient
function [rf,dG]= i_rfvals(U,b) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
% Note: model parameters are automatically available as response features

% this is an example of how to implement a nonlinear response feature
% response feature definition
if nargout>1
   % delrf/delbi
   dG= [ -1/a/b -log(0.15/a)/b^2];   
% i_reconstruct nonlinear reconstruction
function p= i_reconstruct(U,b,Yrf,dG,rfuser) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
% rfuser is an index to the user defined response features
% so you can figure out which rf's are which
% rfuser(i) = 0 if the rf is a parameter

% this solves for linear response features which can be estimated independently 
% of the nonlinear rf.
%  if all response features are linear you don't need to define 'reconstruct'

% this solves for linear response features which can be estimated independently 
% of the nonlinear rf.
%  if all response features are linear you don't need to define 'reconstruct'
p= Yrf/dG';

if ~any(rfuser==1)
elseif ~any(rfuser==2)

% find which response feature is a user defined
f = find(rfuser==3);
if any(rfuser>2)
    % return the required coefficient
    switch state
    case 1
        % parameter c missing
        % parameter a missing

% i_evalbuild simulink evaluation block
function Blk = i_evalbuild(U, b, sys) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
% evalbuild method adds an evaluation simulink block to
% a simulink implementation of a model

Blk= add_block('mbcSLModels/LocalMod/exponentialEval',[sys,'/exponentialEval']);

% break library link