www.gusucode.com > mbcmodels 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcmodels/@xregusermod/weibul.m

    function varargout= weibul(m,x,varargin)
%WEIBUL Weibul growth model
%  WEIBUL implements the Weibul local model in the Model Browser.  This
%  file can be used as a template for writing your own user-defined models,
%  however this file should not be altered as it will cause the Weibul
%  model to be altered and it may no longer work in the Model Browser.
%  The calling syntax function is VARARGOUT= WEIBUL(U,X,VARARGIN).

%  Copyright 2000-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% model parameters 
b= double(m);
if isnumeric(x)
   % evaluation of user-defined model is defined here
   % function definition
   % make sure the expression is vectorised
    y = b(1) - (b(1)-b(2)).*exp(-(b(3).*x).^b(4));

    % the weibul function is not defined for x < 0
    y(x<0) = NaN;

    % this line must not be changed
    varargout{1} = y;
    % x specifies which internal function to evaluate.
    % All internal functions are prefixed by 'i_'.
    % The model and model parameters are passed to all internal functions
    fInternal = str2func(sprintf('i_%s',lower(x)));
    [varargout{1:nargout}]= fInternal(m,b,varargin{:});

% mandatory functions

% n= i_numparams(U,b,varargin);
% n= i_nfactors(U,b,varargin);
% [param,OK]= i_initial(U,b,X,Y)

% optional functions

% i_jacobian(U,b,X)              % analytic jacobian
% i_foptions(U,b,fopts)          % optimization parameters
% [LB,UB,A,c,nlcon,optparams]= i_constraints(U,b,X,Y)  % define parameter constraints
% g= i_nlconstraints(U,b,X,Y)    % evaluate nonlinear constraints
% str= i_char(U,b)               % display string for function
% str= i_str_func(U,b)           % one line summary of function

% optional local regression functions

% names= i_rfnames(U,b)                 % response feature evaluation
% [rf,dG]= i_rfvals(U,b)                % response feature evaluation
% p= i_reconstruct(U,b,Yrf,dG,rfuser)   % local model reconstruction

% internal functions begin here

% mandatory functions

function n= i_nfactors(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_NFACTORS number of input factors to model
% n = i_nfactors(m,b);
n= 1;

function n= i_numparams(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_NUMPARAMS number of parameters to be estimated
% n = i_numparams(m,b);
n= 4;

function [param,OK]= i_initial(U,b,X,Y) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
%I_INITIAL Initial parameter values
% [param,OK]= i_initial(m,b);  initial parameters independent of data
% [param,OK]= i_initial(m,b,X,Y); initial parameters dependent on data
%   Outputs
%     param   Initial parameter values
%     OK   model can be fitted

if nargin>2
    % data dependent initial parameter values


    yok= Y>0;
    Y= Y(yok);
    X= X(yok,:);

    if ~isempty(Y)

        % Initial estimate of alpha from fitting data
        r= mY-min(Y);
        % find out if there are a number of points very close to the maximum y
        % we are then likely to be very close to the asymptote
        f = min(length(find(Y-mY > -r*0.01))+1,5);
        alpha= (1 + 10^(-f))*mY;

        % Initial estimate of alpha and beta
        % find out if there are a number of points very close to the maximum y
        % we are then likely to be very close to the asymptote
        f=    min(length(find(Y-mY < r*0.01))+1,5);
        beta= (1 - 10^(-f))*mY;

        % Get regression matrix
        Xs= [ones(size(X)) log(X)];
        ylin= log(-log((alpha-Y)./(alpha-beta)));
        % Find gamma and kappa
        p= Xs\ylin;
        % parameters from linear regression
        delta= p(2) ;
        kappa= exp(p(1)/delta);

        % Returned parameter initial values
        param= [alpha beta kappa delta]';

        % Bounds from spec.
        param(param<=0)= eps;
        param=[NaN NaN NaN NaN]';

    OK= OK && isreal(param);
    % Initial values of parameters which do not depend on fitting data.
    % This case must always be supported
    param= [2 1 2 5]';

% optional functions

% i_jacobian           % analytic jacobian
% i_foptions           % optimization parameters
% i_constraints        % define parameter constraints
% i_nlconstraints      % evaluate nonlinear constraints
% i_char               % display string for function
% i_str_func           % one line summary of function

% local regression optional functions

% i_rfnames            % response feature evaluation
% i_rfvals             % response feature evaluation
% i_reconstruct        % local model reconstruction

function [LB,UB,A,c,nlcon,optparams]= i_constraints(U,b,varargin) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_CONSTRAINTS constraint definition for least squares fitting
% [LB,UB,A,c,nlcon,optparams]= i_constraints(m,b);
% [LB,UB,A,c,nlcon,optparams]= i_constraints(m,b,X,Y);
%   Inputs
%     m      user-defined model
%     b      model parameter values
%     X,Y    fitting data
%   Outputs
%     LB,UB  bounds on parameter values
%     A,c    linear constraints on parameter values
%     nlcon  number of nonlinear constraints
%     optparams optional optimization parameter

% Lower Bounds, Upper Bounds  
% make sure these are column vectors
LB=[eps eps eps eps]';
UB=[1e10 1e10 1e10 1e10]';

% only bounds are used for local regression at present

% don't use bounds with linear constraints if you want to use large scale optimization

% Linear A, Linear b  (A*b<c)

% this constraint is  -alpha+beta<0  =>  alpha > beta
A= [-1 1 0 0];
c= 0;

% Number of nonlinear constraints
% you must define 'nlconstraints' if nlcon>0
nlcon= 0;

% Note that fmincon will be used if A and b are not empty, or nlcon>0
% otherwise lsqnonlin is used

% optional parameters for cost function
optparams= [];

function g = i_nlconstraints(m,b,X,Y) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_NLCONSTRAINTS evaluate nonlinear constraints
% g = i_nlconstraints(m,b,X,Y);
g = [];
function fopts= i_foptions(U,b,fopts) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
%I_FOPTIONS optimization options
% fopts = i_foptions(m,b,fopts) 
%   fopts is the structure for optimization options. See optimset for more
%   details. It is only possible to change the options 'Display',
%   'MaxIter', 'TolFun', 'MaxFunEvals' or 'TolX'. 
% Always base the output on input fopts. 

fopts= optimset(fopts,...

function J= i_jacobian(U,b,x) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
%I_JACOBIAN analytic jacobian 
% J = i_jacobian(m,b,X);

x = x(:);

% return empty matrix if not defined

J= zeros(length(x),4);


%   y = b(1) - (b(1)-b(2)).*exp(-(b(3).*x).^b(4));

ekd= exp(-(k.*x).^d);
j2= (a-beta).*(k.*x).^d.*ekd;

J(:,1)= 1-ekd;                           
J(:,2)= ekd;                             
J(:,3)= j2.*d./k;     
J(:,4)= j2.*log(k.*x);

function c= i_labels(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_LABELS user parameter names 
% c = i_labels(m,b);


function str= i_char(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_CHAR display equation string
% str = i_char(m,b);

s= get(U,'symbol');
% this can contain TeX expressions supported by HG text objects
str=sprintf('%.3g - (%.3g-%.3g)*exp(-(%.3g*%s)^{%.3g})',b([1 1 2 3]),detex(s{1}), b(4));

function str= i_str_func(U,b,TeX) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
%I_STR_FUNC short name for model
% str = i_str_func(m,b);

s= get(U,'symbol');
if nargin==2 || TeX
	s= detex(s);
% this can contain TeX expressions supported by HG text objects
lab= labels(U);
str= sprintf('%s - (%s - %s)*exp(-(%s*%s)^{%s})',lab{1},lab{1},lab{2},lab{3},s{1},lab{4});

% used for local regression only 

function [rname, default] = i_rfnames(U,b) %#ok<INUSD,DEFNU>
%I_RFNAMES response feature names 
% [rfnames,InitialRFs] = i_rfnames(m,b);
%   Outputs 
%     rfnames Cell array of nonlinear response feature names
%     InitialRFs   Initial response features (indices) for user-defined
%     model

% response feature names 
rname= {'inflex'};
if nargout>1
    default = [1 2 5 4]; %{'Alpha','Beta','Inflex','Delta'};

function [rf,dG]= i_rfvals(U,b) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
%I_RECONSTRUCT nonlinear reconstruction
% p = i_reconstruct(m,b,Yrf,dG,rfuser)
%  Inputs
%     Yrf   response feature values
%     dG    Jacobian of response features with respect to parameters
%     rfuser index to the user-defined response features so you can find
%     out which response features are which. rfuser(i) = 0 if the
%     rf is a parameter.
% If all response features are linear in model parameters then you do not
% need to define 'i_reconstruct'. 

% this is an example of how to implement a nonlinear response feature
% response feature definition

K = b(3);
D = b(4);
if D>=1
   rf= (1/K)*((D-1)/D)^(1/D);
   rf= NaN;
if nargout>1
   % Jacobian of response features with respect to model parameters
   if D>=1
      dG= [0, 0, -((D-1)/D)^(1/D)/K^2,...
      dG= [0, 0, 1 1];
function p= i_reconstruct(U,b,Yrf,dG,rfuser) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
%I_RECONSTRUCT nonlinear reconstruction
% p = i_reconstruct(m,b,Yrf,dG,rfuser)
%  Inputs
%     Yrf   response feature values
%     dG    default Jacobian of response features
%     rfuser index to the user-defined response features so you can find
%     out which response features are which. rfuser(i) = 0 if the
%     rf is a parameter.
% If all response features are linear in model parameters then you do not
% need to define 'i_reconstruct'. 

% reconstruct linear response features using this line
p= Yrf/dG';

% find which response feature is a nonlinear user-defined response feature
f= rfuser>size(p,2);
if ~any(rfuser==3)
   % need to use delta (must be > 1) for reconstruction to work
   p(:,4)= max(p(:,4),1+16*eps);
   p(:,3)= ((p(:,4)-1)./p(:,4)).^(1./p(:,4))./Yrf(:,f);

% i_evalbuild Simulink evaluation block
function Blk = i_evalbuild(U, b, sys) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
% evalbuild method adds an evaluation Simulink block to
% a Simulink implementation of a model

Blk= add_block('mbcSLModels/LocalMod/weibulEval',[sys,'/weibulEval']);

% break library link

% i_slrecon Simulink reconstruction block
function blk= i_slrecon(U, b, LUM, sname) %#ok<INUSL,DEFNU>
% Adds the appropriate reconstruct block

blk= add_block('mbcSLModels/Reconstruct/weibRecon',...

% break library link