www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/+xregdatagui/mergeOptions.m

    function varargout = mergeOptions(action,varargin)
%mergeOptions user interface for merge options
%   outputUD = mergeOptions('figure',localData,Owner);
%      create modal dialog with merge options. outputUD is a structure
%      with fields sweepset and filename. The input Owner can be a figure
%      handle or [] with the default set to [] if it is omitted.
%   layout = mergeOptions('layout',Parent,localData);
%      create merge options page for import wizard
%   [localData,OK] = mergeOptions('finalise',layoutUD);
%      get final options for merge page in xregwizard. localData is a
%      structure with fields newSweepset and filename

%  Copyright 2015-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

switch action
    case 'figure'
        % create modal dialog
        [varargout{1:2}] = dialog(varargin{:});
    case 'layout'
        % create layout for xregwizard
        varargout{1} = createLayout(varargin{:});
    case 'finalise'
        % finalise xregwizard output
        [varargout{1:2}] = finalise(varargin{:}); 

function [outputUD,OK] = dialog(localData,Owner)
%dialog create modal merge dialog
%   [outputUD,OK] = dialog(localData,Owner) outputUD is a structure
%      with fields sweepset and filename. The input Owner can be a figure
%      handle or [] with the default set to [] if it is omitted.

if nargin<2
    Owner = [];
dlg = mbcgui.container.Dialog('Name','Merge Data',...
    'Size',[400 200],...

dlg.Content = createLayout(dlg.Figure,localData);

closeAction = dlg.showDialog();
if strcmp(closeAction,'OK')
    OK = true;
    % get updated sweepset from layout userdata
    layoutUD  = get(dlg.Content, 'UserData');
    localData = finalise(layoutUD);
    outputUD.sweepset = localData.newSweepset;
    outputUD.filename = localData.filename;
    outputUD = [];
    OK = false;

function layout = createLayout(Parent,localData)
%createLayout create layour for wizard or dialog
%   layout = createLayout(Parent,localData)
%   Parent can be a graphics handle or a layout. The layout option is used
%   when a wizard page is reused. localData is a structure with fields
%   mergeSweepset, newSweepset and filename.

% Have we been called to create the layout or simply update?
if isa(Parent, 'xregcontainer')
	layout = Parent;
	layoutUD = get(layout, 'UserData');
    % create new layout
	txSelect = uicontrol('Parent', Parent,...
		'Style', 'text',...
		'String', 'Merge data with current data.',...
		'Visible', 'off',...
		'HorizontalAlignment', 'left');
    rbGroup = xregGui.rbgroup('parent', Parent,...
        'nx', 1,...
        'ny', 4,...
        'String', {'Append new records (all variable names and units match current data)'
        'Append new records (add NaNs to unmatched variables)'
        'Add new variables to current data'
        'Overwrite current data'});
	layout = xreggridbaglayout(Parent,...
		'dimension', [3 1],...
		'elements', {txSelect rbGroup []},...
		'rowsizes', [20 60 -1],...
		'border', [10 0 10 10],...
		'gapy', 5,...
		'gapx', 5);
	layoutUD.rbGroup       = rbGroup;
	layoutUD.filename      = '';
	layoutUD.newSweepset   = sweepset;
	layoutUD.mergeSweepset = [];

if nargin > 1
    % initialise layoutUD from input
	layoutUD.newSweepset   = localData.newSweepset;
	layoutUD.mergeSweepset = localData.mergeSweepset;
	layoutUD.filename      = localData.filename;
set(layout, 'UserData', layoutUD);


function updateOptions(layoutUD)
%updateOptions enable allowed merge operations
EnableArray = true(size(layoutUD.rbGroup.String));
newSS     = layoutUD.newSweepset;
mergeSS   = layoutUD.mergeSweepset;
[~,EnableArray(1)] = append(mergeSS,newSS,'strict');
[~,EnableArray(2)] = append(mergeSS,newSS);
[~,EnableArray(3)] = align(mergeSS,newSS);

function [localData,OK] = finalise(layoutUD)
%finalise get results on completion of dialog or wizard
%   [localData,OK] = finalise(layoutUD)
%   localData is a structure with fields newSweepset and filename

% Attempt selected merge
mergeType = layoutUD.rbGroup.Selected;
newSS     = layoutUD.newSweepset;
mergeSS   = layoutUD.mergeSweepset;
    switch mergeType
        case 1
            % append with strict matching
            [localData.newSweepset, OK, msg] = append(mergeSS, newSS,'strict');
            localData.filename = char(get(mergeSS, 'FileName'), layoutUD.filename);
        case 2
            [localData.newSweepset, OK, msg] = append(mergeSS, newSS);
            localData.filename = char(get(mergeSS, 'FileName'), layoutUD.filename);
        case 3
            % Align merge needs common variable names
            [localData.newSweepset, OK, msg] = align(mergeSS, newSS);
            localData.filename = char(get(mergeSS, 'FileName'), layoutUD.filename);
        case 4
            % overwrite
            OK = 1;
            localData.newSweepset = newSS;
            localData.filename = layoutUD.filename;
catch ME
	OK = 0;
	msg = sprintf('Merge failed due to unexpected error: %s',ME.message)';

if ~OK
    if ~isempty(msg)
		% The Data Loading Function returned some sort of error message
		uiwait(errordlg(msg, 'Data Loading Error', 'modal'));

localData.mergeSweepset = [];