www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@mdevtestplan/setupGroups.m

    function [tssf,OK] = setupGroups(T,tssf,tol)
%setupGroups setup groups for test plan data based on global inputs

%  Copyright 2014-2016 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

Inputs = getInputs(T);
OK = true;
isInUI = isBrowserProject(T);
if numstages(T)>1 && isOneStage(tssf)
    if nargin<3
        % default is data range/20
        D = tssf(:,{Inputs{2}.Name});
        Inputs{2} = DataRange(Inputs{2},D);
        tol = diff(cat(1,Inputs{2}.Range),[],2)/20;
    % create test definition based on global variables
    testDef.variable = {Inputs{2}.Name};
    testDef.tolerance = tol;
    testDef.reorder = false;
    testDef.testnumAlias = [];
    tssf = modifyTestDefinition(tssf,testDef);
    if isInUI
        % open dialog if in model browser
        % Get the current defineTests arguments
        args = struct2cell(get(tssf, 'defineTests'));
        % Get a base picture of the sweepset
        ss = sweepset(setAllows(tssf, {'DefineTest' 'testfilters' 'Reorder' 'Derived'},'off'));
        % Call the modal dialog with one-stage options disabled
        [OK, ~, testDefinition] = xregDefineTests('Create', get(MBrowser,'Figure'), ss, args,false);
        % Was OK pressed?
        if OK
            % Flush the event queue with the new data
            tssf = modifyTestDefinition(tssf, testDefinition);
            % check that data is two-stage
            OK = ~isOneStage(tssf);
elseif numstages(T)==1 && ~isOneStage(tssf)
    % convert 2stage data to one-stage
    tssf = convertToOneStage( tssf );