www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@sweepset/align.m

    function [out, OK, msg] = align(originalSS, newSS, commonVariables)
%ALIGN Align sweepsets
%  [SS, OK, MSG] = ALIGN(SS1, SS2, VARS)

%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if nargin<3
   commonVariables = intersect(get(originalSS, 'Name'), get(newSS, 'Name'));
OK = 0;
out = sweepset;
msg = '';
if isempty(commonVariables) && size(originalSS,1)==size(newSS,1)
    % no variables in common and same size so just concatenate
    out = [originalSS,newSS];
    OK = true;
elseif isempty(find(originalSS, commonVariables)) || isempty(find(newSS, commonVariables))
    % ss1 and ss2 contain variables vars?
    OK = false;
    msg = 'Requested variables not found in both sets of data';
    % First, is alignment possible? i.e. does vars uniquely identify a record
    S = substruct('()',{':' commonVariables});
    alignSS1 = subsref(originalSS, S);
    alignSS2 = subsref(newSS, S);
    [sortSS1, index1] = sortrows(alignSS1.data);
    [sortSS2, index2] = sortrows(alignSS2.data);
    % Note: sortSS1 = SS1(index1) but we want SS1 = sortSS1(invIndex1)
    [~, invIndex1] = sort(index1);
    % NaN's are put at end of sort. So any NaN's will be in last row. NaN fails at intersect
    if any(isnan(sortSS1(end,:))) || any(isnan(sortSS2(end,:)))
        msg = 'Alignment is not possible on data sets that include NaN''s or bad data';
    % Is SS1 uniquely identified by the suggested variables
    if size(sortSS1, 1) ~= size(unique(sortSS1, 'rows'), 1)
        msg = 'Record alignment cannot be unique with selected variables';
    % Find the intersection of these two sorted datasets.
    % NOTE: C = sortSS1(ind1) & C = sortSS2(ind2)
    [C, ~, ind2] = intersect(sortSS1, sortSS2, 'rows');
    % Did we find a matching partner for everyone in sortSS1?
    if ~isequal(C, sortSS1)
        msg = ['Only ' num2str(size(C, 1)) ' matching records found in the data being aligned'];
    % Is SS2 also unique in the selected variables.
    % i.e. are there duplicates in SS2 which match SS1
    dupSS2 = sum(diff(sortSS2, 1, 1), 2) == 0;
    if any(dupSS2)
        C = intersect(sortSS2(dupSS2), sortSS1, 'rows');
        if ~isempty(C)
            msg = 'Data to be aligned cannot be uniquely identified with selected variables';
    % Now we know there is a one-to-one mapping between the variables vars in SS1 and SS2
    % So map SS2 onto SS1 in the correct order.
    index = index2(ind2(invIndex1));
    [~, indexVarsToAppend] = setdiff(get(newSS, 'Name'), get(originalSS, 'Name'));
    if ~isempty(indexVarsToAppend)
        % Now append all variables from SS2 to SS1
        S = substruct('()', {index, indexVarsToAppend, ':'});
        out = [originalSS subsref(newSS, S)];
        OK = true;
        msg = 'No new variables to merge';
        OK = false;