www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@sweepset/find.m

    function [ind , allind] = find(S, var)
%FIND Find variables in the sweepset
%  IND = FIND(S, VAR) returns the index of the SWEEPSET database variable
%  matching VAR.  VAR may be a single name or a cell array of names. An
%  empty matrix is returned if any one of VAR is not found.
%  If any variables were not found, then the indices of those that were
%  are returned as a second argument.  In this output the index for
%  variables that are not found is set to -1.

%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

var = xregdeblank(var); 
varlist = {S.var.name};
if ~iscell(var)
    var = {var};
if isscalar(var)
   OK = strcmp(var,varlist);
   ind = find(OK);
   if nargout>1
      allind = ind;
      if isempty(allind)
          allind = -1;
    [OK,allind] = ismember(var,varlist);
    if all(OK)
        ind = allind;
        % If any variables are not found, the first output is empty.  The second
        % output always contains the full set of integers with -1
        % indicating that a variable is not found.
        ind = [];
        allind(~OK) = -1;