www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@sweepsetfilter/loadobj.m

    function obj = loadobj(obj)
%LOADOBJ Load filter for sweepsetfilter objects and version control
%   SSF = LOADOBJ(SSF) is called by LOAD when a sweepsetfilter object is
%   loaded from a .MAT file.  The main role of this file is to upgrade old
%   versions of the object to the latest version.

%  Copyright 2000-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Enter current version number of object
CurrentVersion = 6;

% Check that the object has a version number that we know about
if ~any( obj.version == 1:CurrentVersion )
    warning(message('mbc:sweepsetfilter:InvalidVersion', sprintf( '%3.1f', obj.version )));
    % Need to return since a call to class on an invalid object would be bad

% Update from old version to current version (as required)
if obj.version<2
    obj = i_V1toV2(obj);
if obj.version<3
    obj = i_V2toV3(obj);
if obj.version<4
    obj = i_V3toV4( obj );
if obj.version<5
    obj = i_V4toV5( obj );
if obj.version<6
    obj.displayLayout = [];
    obj.version = 6;
    for i=1:length(obj.sweepFilters)
        f = obj.sweepFilters(i).filterResult;
        if ~isempty(f) && (~iscell(f) || numel(f)~=2)
            % change to two element sweep filters result store
            obj.sweepFilters(i).filterResult = {[],f};

% Might need to recreate the actual object class
if isstruct(obj)
    % Ensure that the fieldnames are in the correct order
    obj = i_sortFields(obj);
    % Recreate the class
    obj = sweepsetfilter(obj);

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Convert version 1 sweepsetfilters to version 2
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function obj = i_V1toV2(obj)
obj.version = 2;
% Rename sweepsetToAppend to variableSweepset
obj.variableSweepset = obj.sweepsetToAppend;
obj = rmfield(obj, 'sweepsetToAppend');

% Cacheing info - to be used in the future?
obj.cachedSweepset    = sweepset;
obj.allowsCacheing    = false;

% Structure to hold changes to underlying data
obj.modifiedData = i_sortFields(struct('dataValues', sparse(0,0),...
    'dataPosition', sparse(false(0)),...
    'rowGuid', guidarray,...
    'columnName', {{}},...
    'validRows', 0,...
    'validCols', 0,...
    'fullPosition', sparse(0,0)));

% Filter on guid and sweep
obj.filterGuid = guidarray;
obj.sweepFilters = i_sortFields(struct('filterExp',{},'result',{}, ...

% Ensure that filters and variables have inline expression fields
if isempty(obj.filters)
    obj.filters = struct('filterExp',{},'result',{},'inlineExp',{}, ...
    % Generate the filter result logical array - for compatibility this is
    % scalar expanded to false
    filterResult = false;
    for i = 1:length(obj.filters)
        % Add the mbcinline object to the internal storage
        obj.filters(i).inlineExp = vectorize(mbcinline(obj.filters(i).filterExp));
        obj.filters(i).filterResult = filterResult;
        obj.filters(i).OK = ~strncmp('Error', obj.filters(i).result, 5);
% Sort the filters array
obj.filters = i_sortFields(obj.filters);

if isempty(obj.variables)
    obj.variables = struct('varName',{},'varExp',{},'varUnit',{}, ...
    for i = 1:length(obj.variables)
        obj.variables(i).inlineExp = vectorize(mbcinline(obj.variables(i).varExp));
        obj.variables(i).varUnit = '';
        obj.variables(i).OK = ~strncmp('Error', obj.variables(i).result, 5);
% Sort the variables array
obj.variables = i_sortFields(obj.variables);

% Add sweep note structure
obj.sweepNotes = i_sortFields(struct('noteExp',{},'noteString',{},'lAppliesTo',{}, ...

% Add the data message service field
obj.dataMessageService = [];

% Ensure that defineTests contains the testnumAlias field and old
% reordering is flagged for maintaining compatibility
if ~isempty(obj.defineTests)
    if ~isfield(obj.defineTests, 'testnumAlias')
        obj.defineTests.testnumAlias = 0;
    if obj.defineTests.reorder
        obj.defineTests.reorder = 'OldReorder-ThisFieldShouldBeLogical';
    % Convert previous zero tolerance settings to eps.  This will make
    % sure that, for example, LOGNO will continue to group sweeps
    % correctly.
    obj.defineTests.tolerance(obj.defineTests.tolerance==0) = eps;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Convert version 2 sweepsetfilters to version 3
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function obj = i_V2toV3(obj)
obj.version = 3;
% Need to add the note color to the note structure
if ~isfield(obj.sweepNotes, 'noteColor')
    if isempty(obj.sweepNotes)
        obj.sweepNotes = struct('OK',{},'inlineExp',{},'isMultiNote',{}, ...
        for i = 1:length(obj.sweepNotes)
            obj.sweepNotes(i).noteColor = [1 0 0];
        % Sort the sweep notes structure
        obj.sweepNotes = i_sortFields(obj.sweepNotes);

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Convert version 3 sweepsetfilters to version 4
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function obj = i_V3toV4(obj)
obj.version = 4;
% Need to add userdata fields to variables, filters, sweep filters etc.
% Do variables
obj.filters      = iAddFieldToSortedStruct(obj.filters, 'userdata');
obj.variables    = iAddFieldToSortedStruct(obj.variables, 'userdata');
obj.sweepFilters = iAddFieldToSortedStruct(obj.sweepFilters, 'userdata');
obj.sweepNotes   = iAddFieldToSortedStruct(obj.sweepNotes, 'userdata');
% Add the new sweepVariables, sweepVariableSweepset and resampling fields
obj.sweepVariables = struct('OK',{},'inlineExp',{},'result',{},'userdata',{}, ...
obj.sweepVariableSweepset = sweepset;
obj.resampling = struct( 'OK', true, 'resampleExp', {{}}, 'resampledSweepset', [], ...
    'result', '', 'userdata', [], 'varNames', {{}} );
% Finally ensure that the fields are in alphabetic order
obj = i_sortFields(obj);

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Convert version 3 sweepsetfilters to version 4
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function obj = i_V4toV5( obj )
obj.version = 5;

% Upgrade flags to a uint64.  This method guarantees that the flag bits
% will be preserved: casting might preserve value but not bit pattern.
flgs = bitget(obj.allowsFlag, 1:52);
FlagVar = uint64(0);
for n = find(flgs)
    FlagVar = bitset(FlagVar,n,1);
obj.allowsFlag = FlagVar;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function obj = i_sortFields(obj)
% Convert the structure to a cell array
cells = struct2cell(obj);
% Sort the fieldnames
[sortedFieldnames, i] = sort(fieldnames(obj));
% Recreate the structure in the correct order
obj = cell2struct(cells(i,:,:), sortedFieldnames);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function s = iAddFieldToSortedStruct(s, newFieldname)
if numel(s) == 0
    % Add the new fieldname to the list of existing ones - sorted
    cFieldNames = sort([fieldnames(s); {newFieldname}]);
    % Reshape to an n x 0 x 0 to produce a 0 x 0 structure
    data = reshape(struct2cell(s), length(cFieldNames), 0, 0);
    % Recreate the structure
    s = cell2struct(data, cFieldNames);
    % Any data in the structure this fills the new field with []
    [s.(newFieldname)] = deal([]);
    % And sort
    s = i_sortFields(s);