www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@sweepsetfilter/private/updateVarsFilter.m

    function [obj, ss] = updateVarsFilter(obj, ss)
%UPDATEVARSFILTER Update the variables filter
%  [SSF, SS] = UPDATEVARSFILTER(SSF, SS) reapplies the variable filters and
%  returns the updated sweepset.  If an input sweepset is not provided then
%  one will be generated.

%  Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

f = getFlags;

% Have we got a current copy of the sweepset
if nargin < 2 || ~isa(ss, 'sweepset')
    ss = ApplyObject(obj, [f.APPLY_DATA f.APPLY_VARS f.APPLY_FILT f.APPLY_TEST f.APPLY_SVAR]);

% No data needs to be updated for variable filters, we just need to apply
% the SFILT flag and pass control on to where SweepFilters normally goes.
ss = ApplyObject(obj, f.APPLY_SFILT, ss);

[obj, ss] = updateReorderSweeps(obj, ss);