www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@xregbdrybranch/getvalidationdata.m

    function data = getvalidationdata( root, varargin )
%GETVALIDATIONDATA Get the modeling data from boundary constraint root node.
%  DATA = GETVALIDATIONDATA(ROOT) is the validation data for the boundary model
%  at the given root node.
%  The data returned is dependent on the Stages field of ROOT:
%    Stages = 0 (Response) double array of all data points
%    Stages = 1 (Local) sweepset of local and global data
%    Stages = 2 (Global) double array of global data points

%  Copyright 2000-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

switch root.Stages,
    case 0,
        stage = 'Response';
    case 1,
        stage = 'Local';
    case 2,
        stage = 'Global';
p = Parent( root ); % xregbdryroot
data = getvalidationdata(p.info, 'stage', stage, varargin{:});