www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@xregbdrydev/getconstraint.m

    function con = getconstraint( bdev, nf ,stages, TestNo)
%GETCONSTRAINT Constraint object for the boundary development object
%  C = GETCONSTRAINT(BDEV) is the constraint object that is stored in the
%  boundary development object BDEV.
%  C = GETCONSTRAINT(BDEV,NF) ensures that C has NF input factors.
%  con = getconstraint( bdev, nf ,stages, TestNo); 

%  Copyright 2000-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if isConstraintFitted( bdev ),
    con = bdev.Constraint;
    if nargin>3 && ~isempty(con)
       %local constraint with operating point 
       con = selectLocal(bdev,con,TestNo);

    if nargin >= 2 && ~isempty( con )
        if nFactors( con ) < nf,
            % The constraint at this node has less thean the required
            % number of input factors. ==> We add additional input factors
            % at the front of the list of input factors, i.e., so that
            %    getInputFactors( con ) = [new_cif, old_cif].
            % This means that we are operating under the assumption that we
            % are being requested to return a Response Level constraint but
            % what we have here is global level constraint. Thus we add the
            % local input factors to the constraint but we make these
            % inactive.
            % Need to get the actual input factors from the root node
            cif = getInputFactors( bdev, 0 ); % Response level input factors
            % Check that the user has requested the correct number of factors
            if length( cif ) ~= nf,
                error(message('mbc:xregbdrydev:InvalidArgument4', nf, nFactors( con ), length( cif )));
            % Set the new input factors for the constraint
            % -- The constraint will already have the global factors and they
            %    will be the last few
            ai = getActiveIndices( con );
            ai = ai + nf - nFactors( con );
            con = setMatchedFactors( con, cif, ai );
        elseif nFactors( con ) > nf,
            % We are now being requested to produce a constraint with less
            % input factors than we currently have, for example, we are
            % being asked for a Global level (level 2) constriant but what
            % we have is a local (two-stage) or response level constraint.
            % We are unable to comply with this request, so we return a
            % null constraint.
            con = [];


    % The constraint has not been fitted so it is not a valid constraint
    con = [];