www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/@xregtools/@SummaryStatsTable/SummaryStatsTable.m

    function obj = SummaryStatsTable( varargin )
%SUMMARYSTATSTABLE Class constructor for SummaryStatsTable
%  OBJ = SUMMARYSTATSTABLE(Prop, Value, ...) creates a component for
%  displaying summary statistics for a model.

%  Copyright 2005-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Is the first input argument a udd object derived from me? If it is then
% we are being called as a super class constructor and don't have to
% construct an object
if nargin && isa(varargin{1}, 'xregtools.SummaryStatsTable')
	obj = varargin{1};
	varargin(1) = [];
	obj = xregtools.SummaryStatsTable;

% Call the inherited constructor
obj.Table2D( 'extendednumeric',...
    'Editable', false,...
    'ShowHeaderSelection', false,...
    'ShowRowHeader', true,...
    'ShowColumnHeader', false,...

obj.Peer.setRowHeaderWidth( 100 );