www.gusucode.com > mbctools 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbctools/mv_options_gui.m

    function mv_options_gui()
%MV_OPTIONS_GUI GUI for setting user options in mbcmodel
%  MV_OPTIONS_GUI displays a dialog that allows the user to edit public
%  preferences in MBC.
%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.
AP = mbcprefs('mbc');
allfiles = getpref(AP,'FileDefaults');
ud.options.files = allfiles.mbcmodel;
ud.options.user = initfromprefs(mbcuser);

dlg= mbcgui.container.Dialog('Size',[400,220],...
    'Name','Model Browser Preferences');
fh = dlg.Figure;

tabs = uitabgroup('Parent',fh,'Units','pixels');
filelocTab = mbcgui.container.uitab('Parent',tabs,'Title','File Locations');
userinfoTab = mbcgui.container.uitab('Parent',tabs,'Title','User Information');

% store initial preference values, this will be used to determine if the
% preference has been changed
initialValues.Models = ud.options.files.Models;
initialValues.Projects = ud.options.files.Projects;
initialValues.Data = ud.options.files.Data;
initialValues.Designs = ud.options.files.Designs;

% File location tab

% edit boxes for typing in a folder location
ud.Hand.File.ModelDirEdit = uicontrol('Parent',filelocTab,...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1], ...
    'Tag', 'modelEdit');
ud.Hand.File.ProjectDirEdit = uicontrol('Parent',filelocTab,...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1], ...
    'Tag', 'projectEdit');
ud.Hand.File.DataDirEdit = uicontrol('Parent',filelocTab,...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1], ...
    'Tag', 'dataEdit');
ud.Hand.File.TemplateDirEdit = uicontrol('Parent',filelocTab,...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1], ...
    'Tag', 'templateEdit');
% combining the label with an edit box
ud.Hand.File.ModelDir = xregGui.labelcontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'border',[0 1 0 1],...
    'Control', ud.Hand.File.ModelDirEdit);
 ud.Hand.File.ProjectDir = xregGui.labelcontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'border',[0 1 0 1],...
 ud.Hand.File.DataDir = xregGui.labelcontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'string','Data files:',...
    'border',[0 1 0 1],...
    'Control', ud.Hand.File.DataDirEdit);
 ud.Hand.File.TemplateDir = xregGui.labelcontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'border',[0 1 0 1],...
    'Control', ud.Hand.File.TemplateDirEdit);
% adding the directory browser folder button
ud.Hand.File.Push(1)= xregGui.iconuicontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'transparentColor', [0 255 0],...
    'callback',{@i_GetFile,'ModelDir'}, ...
    'Tag', 'modelBrowse');
ud.Hand.File.Push(2)= xregGui.iconuicontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'transparentColor', [0 255 0],...
    'callback',{@i_GetFile,'ProjectDir'}, ...
    'Tag', 'projectBrowse');
ud.Hand.File.Push(3)= xregGui.iconuicontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'transparentColor', [0 255 0],...
    'callback',{@i_GetFile,'DataDir'}, ...
    'Tag', 'dataBrowse');
ud.Hand.File.Push(4)= xregGui.iconuicontrol('parent',filelocTab,...
    'transparentColor', [0 255 0],...
    'callback',{@i_GetFile,'TemplateDir'}, ...
    'Tag', 'templateBrowse');
% grid layout for the folder preferences tab
filegrd = xreggridbaglayout(filelocTab,...
    'dimension',[4 2],...
    'border',[10 10 10 15],....
    'rowsizes',[22 22 22 22],...
    'colsizes',[-1 22],...
    'elements',{ud.Hand.File.ModelDir, ud.Hand.File.Push(1); ud.Hand.File.ProjectDir, ud.Hand.File.Push(2);...
    ud.Hand.File.DataDir, ud.Hand.File.Push(3); ud.Hand.File.TemplateDir, ud.Hand.File.Push(4)});
filelocTab.LayoutComponent = filegrd;

% user infomation tab
userobj = createguiobject(ud.options.user,'edit',userinfoTab);
userlyt = xreglayerlayout(userinfoTab,'border',[10 10 10 15],...
userinfoTab.LayoutComponent = userlyt;
dlg.Content = tabs;
fh.UserData = ud;
dlg.ValidationFcn = @() iValidate(ud, initialValues);

% bring up dialog and wait for it to be made invisible
closeMode = dlg.showDialog();
if strcmp(closeMode,'OK')
    % OK button was selected
    % update preferences with new values
function i_GetFile(h,~,prefname)
% bring up the directory chooser and store the result

fh = ancestor(h,'figure');
ud = get(fh,'UserData');
edt = get(ud.Hand.File.(prefname),'Control');
oldpath = get(edt,'String');
newpath = uigetdir(oldpath,'Select path:');
if newpath~=0

function i_SetPrefs(ud,userobj)
% update the mbc preferences with the actual values in the controls

ud.options.files.Models = get(ud.Hand.File.ModelDir.Control,'String');
ud.options.files.Projects = get(ud.Hand.File.ProjectDir.Control,'String');
ud.options.files.Data = get(ud.Hand.File.DataDir.Control,'String');
ud.options.files.Designs = get(ud.Hand.File.TemplateDir.Control,'String');
ud.options.user = initfromguiobject(ud.options.user,userobj);
AP= mbcprefs('mbc');
allfiles = getpref(AP,'FileDefaults');
allfiles.mbcmodel = ud.options.files;

function ok = iValidate(ud, initialValues)
%iValidate validate options 
[locationsOK, msgStr] = i_CheckLocations(ud, initialValues);
ok = all(locationsOK);
if ~ok
    uiwait(errordlg(msgStr, 'Invalid Folder Location', 'modal'));

function [locationsOK, msgStr] = i_CheckLocations(ud, initialValues)
% Check that locations are valid, if not construct an error message string 

locationsOK = true;
msgStr = '';

% Model dir
modelDir = get(ud.Hand.File.ModelDir.Control,'String');
if ~strcmp(modelDir, initialValues.Models) && ~i_IsValidLocation(modelDir)
    locationsOK = false;
    msgStr = sprintf('%sInvalid folder specified for ''Models'' folder: ''%s''.\n', msgStr, modelDir);
% Project dir
projectDir = get(ud.Hand.File.ProjectDir.Control,'String');
if ~strcmp(projectDir, initialValues.Projects) && ~i_IsValidLocation(projectDir)
    locationsOK = false;
    msgStr = sprintf('%sInvalid folder specified for ''Projects'' folder: ''%s''.\n', msgStr, projectDir);
% Data dir
dataDir = get(ud.Hand.File.DataDir.Control,'String');
if ~strcmp(dataDir, initialValues.Data) && ~i_IsValidLocation(dataDir)
    locationsOK = false;
    msgStr = sprintf('%sInvalid folder specified for ''Data'' folder: ''%s''.\n', msgStr, dataDir);
% Template dir
templateDir = get(ud.Hand.File.TemplateDir.Control,'String');
if ~strcmp(templateDir, initialValues.Designs) && ~i_IsValidLocation(templateDir);
    locationsOK = false;
    msgStr = sprintf('%sInvalid folder specified for ''Template'' folder: ''%s''.\n', msgStr, templateDir);
function isValid = i_IsValidLocation(location)
% A valid location is either an empty or an existing directory
isValid = isempty(location) || exist(location, 'dir');