www.gusucode.com > datafun 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datafun/del2.m

    function v = del2(f,varargin)
%DEL2 Discrete Laplacian.
%   L = DEL2(U), when U is a matrix, is a discrete approximation of
%   0.25*del^2 u = (d^2u/dx^2 + d^2u/dy^2)/4.  The matrix L is the same
%   size as U, with each element equal to the difference between an 
%   element of U and the average of its four neighbors.
%   L = DEL2(U), when U is an N-D array, returns an approximation of
%   (del^2 u)/2/n, where n is ndims(u).
%   L = DEL2(U,H), where H is a scalar, uses H as the spacing between
%   points in each direction (H=1 by default).
%   L = DEL2(U,HX,HY), when U is 2-D, uses the spacing specified by HX
%   and HY. If HX is a scalar, it gives the spacing between points in
%   the x-direction. If HX is a vector, it must be of length SIZE(U,2)
%   and specifies the x-coordinates of the points.  Similarly, if HY
%   is a scalar, it gives the spacing between points in the
%   y-direction. If HY is a vector, it must be of length SIZE(U,1) and
%   specifies the y-coordinates of the points.
%   L = DEL2(U,HX,HY,HZ,...), when U is N-D, uses the spacing given by
%   HX, HY, HZ, etc. 
%   Class support for input U:
%      float: double, single
%   See also GRADIENT, DIFF.

%   Copyright 1984-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. 

[f,ndim,loc,rflag] = parse_inputs(f,varargin);

% Loop over each dimension. Permute so that the del2 is always taken along
% the columns.

if ndim == 1
  perm = [1 2];
  perm = [2:ndim 1]; % Cyclic permutation

v = zeros(size(f),class(f));
for k = 1:ndim
   [n,p] = size(f);
   x = loc{k}(:);
   h = diff(x);   
   g  = zeros(size(f),class(f)); % case of singleton dimension
   % Take centered second differences on interior points to compute g/2
   if n > 2
      g(2:n-1,:) = (diff(f(2:n,:))./h(2:n-1) - diff(f(1:n-1,:))./h(1:n-2)) ...
                 ./ (h(2:n-1) + h(1:n-2));

   % Linearly extrapolate second differences from interior
   if n > 3
      g(1,:) = g(2,:)*(h(1)+h(2))/h(2) - g(3,:)*(h(1))/h(2);
      g(n,:) = -g(n-2,:)*(h(n-1))/h(n-2) + g(n-1,:)*(h(n-1)+h(n-2))/h(n-2);
   elseif n==3
      g(1,:) = g(2,:);
      g(n,:) = g(2,:);

   if ndim==1,
     v = v + g;
     v = v + ipermute(g,[k:ndim 1:k-1]);

   % Set up for next pass through the loop
   f = permute(f,perm);
v = v./ndims(f);

if rflag
   v = v.'; 

function [f,ndim,loc,rflag] = parse_inputs(f,v)
%   [ERR,F,LOC,CFLAG] = PARSE_INPUTS(F,V) returns the spacing LOC
%   along the x,y,z,... directions and a row vector flag RFLAG. 

loc = cell(1,ndims(f));

% Flag vector case and column vector case.
ndim = ndims(f);
vflag = 0; rflag = 0;
if iscolumn(f)
   ndim = 1; vflag = 1; rflag = 0;
elseif isrow(f)    % Treat row vector as a column vector
   ndim = 1; vflag = 1; rflag = 1;
   f = f.';
indx = size(f);

% Default step sizes: hx = hy = hz = 1
if isempty(v) % del2(f)
   for k = 1:ndims(f)
      loc(k) = {1:indx(k)};

elseif isscalar(v) % del2(f,h)
   % Expand scalar step size
   if isscalar(v{1})
      for k = 1:ndims(f)
         h = v{1};
         loc(k) = {h*(1:indx(k))};
   % Check for vector case
   elseif vflag
      loc(1) = v(1);

elseif ndims(f) == numel(v), % del2(f,hx,hy,hz,...)
   % Swap 1 and 2 since x is the second dimension and y is the first.
   loc = v;
   if ndim>1
     loc(2:-1:1) = loc(1:2);

   % replace any scalar step-size with corresponding position vector
   for k = 1:ndims(f)
      if isscalar(loc{k})
         loc{k} = loc{k}*(1:indx(k));
