www.gusucode.com > datafun 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datafun/movmedian.m

    %MOVMEDIAN   Moving median value.
%   Y = MOVMEDIAN(X,K) for a vector X and positive integer scalar K
%   computes a centered moving median by sliding a window of length K along
%   X. Each element of Y is the local median of the corresponding values of
%   X inside the window, with Y the same size as X. When K is even, the
%   window is centered about the current and previous elements of X. The
%   sliding window is truncated at the endpoints where there are fewer than
%   K elements from X to fill the window.
%   For N-D arrays, MOVMEDIAN operates along the first array dimension
%   whose size does not equal 1.
%   Y = MOVMEDIAN(X,[NB NF]) for a vector X and nonnegative integers NB and
%   NF computes a moving median along the length of X, returning the local
%   median of the previous NB elements, the current element, and the next
%   NF elements of X.
%   Y = MOVMEDIAN(...,DIM) operates along dimension DIM of X.
%   MOVMEDIAN(...,MISSING) specifies how NaN (Not-a-Number) values are
%   treated and can be one of the following:
%       'includenan'   - (default) the median of any window containing NaN
%                        values is also NaN.
%       'omitnan'      - the median of any window containing NaN values is
%                        the median of all its non-NaN elements. If all
%                        elements are NaN, the result is NaN.
%   MOVMEDIAN(...,'Endpoints',ENDPT) controls how the median is calculated
%   at the endpoints of X, where there are not enough elements to fill the
%   window. ENDPT can be either a scalar numeric or logical value or one of
%   the following:
%       'shrink'    - (default) compute the median over the number of
%                     elements of X that are inside the window, effectively
%                     reducing the window size to fit X at the endpoints.
%       'fill'      - compute the median over the full window size, filling
%                     missing values from X with NaN. This is equivalent to
%                     padding X with NaN at the endpoints.
%       'discard'   - compute the median only when the window is filled
%                     with elements of X, discarding partial endpoint
%                     calculations and their corresponding elements in Y.
%                     This truncates the output; for a vector X and window
%                     length K, Y has length LENGTH(X)-K+1.
%   When ENDPT is a scalar numeric or logical value, the missing elements
%   of X inside the window are replaced with that value and Y remains the
%   same size as X.
%   Example: Compute a 5-point centered moving median.
%       t = 1:10;
%       x = [4 8 6 -1 -2 -3 -1 3 4 5];
%       yc = movmedian(x,5);
%       plot(t,x,t,yc);
%   Example: Compute a 5-point trailing moving median.
%       t = 1:10;
%       x = [4 8 6 -1 -2 -3 -1 3 4 5];
%       yt = movmedian(x,[4 0]);
%       plot(t,x,t,yt);
%   Example: Compute a 5-point centered moving median, padding the ends of
%   the input with NaN.
%       t = 1:10;
%       x = [4 8 6 -1 -2 -3 -1 3 4 5];
%       yp = movmedian(x,5,'Endpoints','fill');
%       plot(t,x,t,yp);
%   Example: Compute a 5-point trailing moving median, ignoring the first 4
%   window shifts that do not contain 5 input elements.
%       x = [4 8 6 -1 -2 -3 -1 3 4 5];
%       yd = movmedian(x,[4 0],'Endpoints','discard');

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Built-in function.