www.gusucode.com > datastoreio工具箱 matlab源码程序 > datastoreio/+matlab/+io/+datastore/TabularDatastore.m

    classdef TabularDatastore < ...
%TabularDatastore   Declares the interface expected of tabular datastores.
%   This class captures the interface expected of tabular datastores. All
%   method calls to READ, PREVIEW and READALL must always return data as a
%   TABLE type. The TABLE returned by the above methods must always have the
%   same variable names and same variable data types for any of the
%   subsequent calls to these methods, after the datastore is setup for
%   reading. For example, in case of TabularTextDatastore, property
%   SelectedVariableNames can be set to a pared down set of VariableNames.
%   After setting this property, it is guaranteed that subsequent calls to
%   PREVIEW, READ and READALL will return a table with the same variable names
%   and variable data types.
%   See also matlab.io.datastore.TabularTextDatastore,
%            matlab.io.datastore.SpreadsheetDatastore,
%            matlab.io.datastore.KeyValueDatastore,
%            matlab.io.datastore.DatabaseDatastore, datastore, mapreduce.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

    methods (Abstract, Access = protected)
        %READDATA Read a subset of data into a table.
        %   This could very well be the method that reads the data for
        %   the inherited tabular datastores. This method is used by the
        %   read method to check and return a table.
        [t, info] = readData(ds);

        %READALLDATA Read all of the data into a table.
        %   This could very well be the method that reads all of the data for
        %   the inherited tabular datastores. This method is used by the readall
        %   method to check and return a table.
        [t, info] = readAllData(ds);

    methods (Access = protected)
        function t = emptyTable(ds, variableNames)
            %EMPTYTABLE Create an empty table with apt VariableNames.
            %   In a scenario, where the table returned by readall is empty, this
            %   helper method is used to return an empty table with appropriate
            %   VariableNames from the readallData method of concrete subclasses.
            if isempty(variableNames)
                t = table.empty;
            d = cell(1,numel(variableNames));
            t = table(d{:}, 'VariableNames', variableNames);

    methods (Hidden)
        function info = getTableInfo(ds)
            %GETTABLEINFO Get table information using preview method of datastore.
            %   This method uses preview method of the datastore to obtain
            %   table data and obtain variable names and data types of the variables
            %   to be read by the data. This in fact, enforces the preview method
            %   to return a table.

            t = preview(ds);
            if ~isa(t, 'table')
                error(message('MATLAB:datastoreio:tabulardatastore:invalidTableOutput', 'preview'));
            info.FirstRow = t(1,:);
            info.VariableNames = t.Properties.VariableNames;
            info.VariableTypes = varfun(@class, info.FirstRow, 'OutputFormat', 'cell');

    methods (Sealed)
        function [t, info] = read(ds)
            %READ   Read subset of data and information about the extracted data.
            %   The read function returns a subset of data from the datastore. The
            %   size of the subset is determined by the size specified by the
            %   datastore properties. On the first call, read function starts reading
            %   from the beginning of the datastore and subsequent calls to the read
            %   function continue reading from the endpoint of the previous call.
            %   DATA = read(DS) reads a subset of data from DS. DATA is a table with
            %   variables determined by the properties of datastore DS. Number of rows
            %   in DATA is determined by the read size of the datastore DS. For
            %   more information see the documentation for your datastore type.
            %   [DATA,INFO] = read(DS) also returns a structure array INFO, which
            %   contains information about the data that was read. The exact fields
            %   in INFO depend on the type of your datastore. For instance,
            %   for a TabularTextDatastore, INFO.NumCharactersRead contains the numbers
            %   of characters read. For a SpreadsheetDatastore, INFO.SheetNames contains
            %   the names of the sheets read. For more information on fields of the INFO
            %   structure, see the documentation for your datastore type.
            %   read(DS) errors if there is no more data in DS, and should be used with
            %   hasdata(DS).
            %   See also datastore, hasdata, readall, preview, reset.

            [t, info] = readData(ds);
            if ~isa(t, 'table')
                error(message('MATLAB:datastoreio:tabulardatastore:invalidTableOutput', 'readData'));

        function t = readall(ds)
            %READALL   Read all of the data from the datastore.
            %   DATA = READALL(DS) reads all of the data from the datastore DS. DATA is a table with
            %   variables governed by the datastore DS. For more information see the documentation
            %   for your datastore type.
            %   See also datastore, read, hasdata, preview, reset.

            t = readAllData(ds);
            if ~isa(t, 'table')
                error(message('MATLAB:datastoreio:TabularDatastore:invalidTableOutput', 'readAllData'));