www.gusucode.com > datastoreio工具箱 matlab源码程序 > datastoreio/fileDatastore.m

    function ds = fileDatastore(location, varargin)
%FILEDATASTORE Create a datastore for a collection of files with custom data format.
%   FDS = fileDatastore(LOCATION,'ReadFcn',@MYCUSTOMREADER) creates a
%   FileDatastore if a file or a collection of files are present in LOCATION.
%   LOCATION has the following properties:
%      - Can be a filename or a folder name
%      - Can be a cell array of multiple file or folder names
%      - Can contain a relative path (HDFS requires a full path)
%      - Can contain a wildcard (*) character.
%   'ReadFcn',@MYCUSTOMREADER Name-Value pair specifies the user-defined
%   function to read files. The value of 'ReadFcn' must be a function handle
%   with a signature similar to the following:
%      function data = MYCUSTOMREADER(filename)
%      ..
%      end
%   FDS = fileDatastore(__,'IncludeSubfolders',TF) specifies the logical
%   true or false to indicate whether the files in each folder and its
%   subfolders are included recursively or not.
%   FDS = fileDatastore(__,'FileExtensions',EXTENSIONS) specifies the
%   extensions of files to be included. Values for EXTENSIONS can be:
%      - A character vector, such as '.jpg' or '.png' (empty quotes '' are
%        allowed for files without extensions)
%      - A cell array of character vector, such as {'.jpg', '.mat'}
%   FileDatastore Properties:
%      Files           - Cell array of file names
%      ReadFcn         - Function handle used to read files
%   FileDatastore Methods:
%      hasdata       - Returns true if there is more data in the datastore
%      read          - Reads the next consecutive file
%      reset         - Resets the datastore to the start of the data
%      preview       - Reads the first file from the datastore for preview
%      readall       - Reads all of the files from the datastore
%      partition     - Returns a new datastore that represents a single
%                      partitioned portion of the original datastore
%      numpartitions - Returns an estimate for a reasonable number of
%                      partitions according to the total data size to use
%                      with the partition function
%   Example:
%   --------
%      folder = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','demos');
%      fds = fileDatastore(folder,'ReadFcn',@load,'FileExtensions','.mat');
%      data1 = read(fds);                   % Read the first MAT-file
%      data2 = read(fds);                   % Read the next MAT-file
%      readall(fds)                         % Read all of the MAT-files
%      dataArr = cell(numel(fds.Files),1);
%      i = 1;
%      reset(fds);                          % Reset to the beginning of data
%      while hasdata(fds)                   % Read files using a while-loop
%          dataArr{i} = read(fds);
%          i = i + 1;
%      end
%   See also datastore, mapreduce, load, matlab.io.datastore.FileDatastore.

%   Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
    ds = matlab.io.datastore.FileDatastore(location, varargin{:});