www.gusucode.com > demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/imagesAndVideo.m

    %% Convert Between Image Sequences and Video
% This example shows how to convert between video files and sequences of
% image files using VideoReader and VideoWriter.
% The sample file named |shuttle.avi| contains 121 frames. Convert the
% frames to image files using VideoReader and the |imwrite| function. Then,
% convert the image files to an AVI file using VideoWriter.

% Copyright 2011-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Setup
% Create a temporary working folder to store the image sequence. 
workingDir = tempname;

%% Construct a VideoReader Object 
% Create a VideoReader object to use for reading frames from the file.
shuttleVideo = VideoReader('shuttle.avi');

%% Create the Image Sequence
% Loop through the video, reading each frame into a width-by-height-by-3
% array named |img|.  Write out each image to a JPEG file with a name in
% the form |imgN.jpg|, where N is the frame number:
%        img1.jpg
%        img2.jpg
%        ...
%        img121.jpg
ii = 1;
while hasFrame(shuttleVideo)
    img = readFrame(shuttleVideo);
    % Write out to a JPEG file (img1.jpg, img2.jpg, etc.)
    ii = ii + 1;

%% Read and Sort the Image Sequence into MATLAB(R)
% Find all the JPEG file names in the |images| folder. Convert the set of
% image names to a cell array.
imageNames = dir(fullfile(workingDir,'images','*.jpg'));
imageNames = {imageNames.name}';

% Notice that the image file names are not in numeric order.

% To sort the file names, extract the frame numbers from the file names and
% use them to sort the array.
% First, match any file names that contain a sequence of numeric digits.
% Convert the strings to doubles.
imageStrings = regexp([imageNames{:}],'(\d*)','match');
imageNumbers = str2double(imageStrings);

% Sort the frame numbers from lowest to highest. The |sort| function
% returns an index matrix that indicates how to order the associated files.
[~,sortedIndices] = sort(imageNumbers);
sortedImageNames = imageNames(sortedIndices);

% The sequence file names are now sorted.

%% Create a New Video with the Image Sequence
% Construct a VideoWriter object, which creates a Motion-JPEG AVI file
% by default.
outputVideo = VideoWriter(fullfile(workingDir,'shuttle_out.avi'));
outputVideo.FrameRate = shuttleVideo.FrameRate;

% Loop through the image sequence,  load each image, and then write it to
% the video.
for ii = 1:length(sortedImageNames)
    img = imread(fullfile(workingDir,'images',sortedImageNames{ii}));

% Finalize the video file.

%% View the Final Video 
% Construct a reader object.
shuttleAvi = VideoReader(fullfile(workingDir,'shuttle_out.avi'));

% Create a MATLAB movie struct from the video frames.
ii = 1;
while hasFrame(shuttleAvi)
    mov(ii) = im2frame(readFrame(shuttleAvi));
    ii = ii + 1;

% Resize the current figure and axes based on the video's width and height,
% and view the first frame of the movie.
f = figure;
f.Position = [150 150 shuttleAvi.Width shuttleAvi.Height];

ax = gca;
ax.Units = 'pixels';
ax.Position = [0 0 shuttleAvi.Width shuttleAvi.Height];

axis off;

% Play back the movie once at the video's frame rate.

%% Credits
% Video of the Space Shuttle courtesy of NASA.