www.gusucode.com > demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/soma.m

    function soma(Action)
%SOMA   display precomputed solutions to Piet Hein's soma cube
%   A solution is represented by a vector of locations within
%   the 3x3 cube, 1 being lower left front, 27 being upper right back.
%   This gui allows the user to look at one solution at a time.

%   W. M. McKeeman
%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

switch nargin,
   case 0,
   case 1,
      fig = gcf;
      Data = get(fig,'UserData');
      switch Action,
         case 'Info',
            ttlStr = mfilename;
            hlpStr1 = ...
               {' The soma cube is a puzzle consisting of seven pieces that    '
               ' can be assembled into a 3x3x3 cube.  It is a special case of '
               ' space-filling puzzles.                                       '
               '                                                              '
               ' The seven pieces of the soma cube are all pieces that can be '
               ' made by gluing four or less cubes together at their faces,   '
               ' producing a piece with an inside corner.  That is, three     '
               ' cubes forming a "V" are included but three cubes making an   '
               ' "I" are excluded.                                            '
               '                                                              '
               ' The seven pieces are named V L T Z S R Y, all but S and R    '
               ' approximating the shape of the assembled cubes.  The S piece '
               ' is "screw shaped" and the R piece is its reflection.  The R  '
               ' piece is a "right-handed screw". Pictures of these pieces are'
               ' displayed when soma.m runs.                                  '
               '                                                              '
               ' There are 240 unique ways to assemble the 7 pieces into a    '
               ' 3x3x3 cube, discounting reflections and rotations.           '
               '                                                              '};
            hlpStr2 = ...
               {' The combinatorics of brute force computation are on the      '
               ' order of 100^7, since each piece can fit into the cube in    '
               ' about 100 different ways.  Fortunately, there are some       '
               ' theories which reduce the computation to a feasible task.    '
               '                                                              '
               ' The simplest theorem involves examining the 8 vertices of the'
               ' completed solution.  The V Z S R Y pieces can occupy at most '
               ' 1 of these 8 vertices.  The T piece can touch 2 or 0         '
               ' vertices, and the L piece can touch 2, 1 or 0.  If you add   '
               ' up the maximum number of vertices touchable by the pieces,   '
               ' it comes out to 1+2+2+1+1+1+1=9.  Therefore, exactly one     '
               ' piece contributes 1 less than its maximum.  That cannot be T,'
               ' because it cannot touch 1 vertex.  One concludes that T      '
               ' always touches 2 vertices, and therefore is always in exactly'
               ' the same position in the finished cube (after rotation).  The'
               ' soma cube is really only a 6 piece puzzle!                   '
               '                                                              '};
            hlpStr3 = ...
               {' A more general theorem accounts for classes VEFC, standing   '
               ' for the 8 Vertices, 12 Edges, 6 Faces and 1 Center.  Any     '
               ' solution has to fill each of the VEFC classes exactly.  To   '
               ' carry out the analysis, first classify the pieces themselves '
               ' by VEFC.  V, for example, can be 1200, meaning 1 vertex, 2   '
               ' edges, 0 faces and 0 centers.  The sum of the VEFC vectors   '
               ' has to add up to 8 12 6 1, and therefore the search can be   '
               ' restricted to class of piece positions for which the VEFC sum'
               ' holds.  This leads to 11 combinations of piece position      '
               ' classes, for which the combinatoric is more like 10^7, which '
               ' can be computed in about an hour.                            '
               '                                                              '
               ' This program could be modified to solve other objects that   '
               ' can be built out of the 7 pieces (commercial puzzles come    '
               ' with dozens of suggestions), or to solve puzzles made of     '
               ' other pieces (The double soma cube consists of L T Z S R Y   '
               ' plus two length 4 "I" pieces plus 2 size 4 "O" pieces gives  '
               ' 24+24+4+4+4+4=64, making a 4x4x4 cube possible).  The eight  '
               ' queens problem can be thought of as filling a space          '
               ' consisting of rows, columns and diagonals of the chessboard  '
               ' (8+8+14+14) where each queen takes a row, a column and two   '
               ' diagonals.                                                   '};
            helpwin(cat(1,hlpStr1, hlpStr2, hlpStr3), ttlStr);
         case 'Next',
            if Data.sn < 240,
               Data.sn = Data.sn+1;
               Data.sn = 1;
            Data.sol = Data.sols(Data.sn,:);
         case 'Previous',
            if Data.sn > 1,
               Data.sn = Data.sn-1;
               Data.sn = 240;
            Data.sol = Data.sols(Data.sn,:);
         case 'Close',
         case 'RotateXY',
            Data.sol = LocalRXY(Data.sol);
         case 'RotateYZ',
            Data.sol = LocalRYZ(Data.sol);
      end % switch
end % switch

%%%%% LocalRepaint %%%%%
function LocalRepaint(Data)
% FUNCTION:    LocalRepaint
% PURPOSE: callback to repaint the soma cube
% METHOD:  run from stage4.m

% facelet -- cubie correlation
%       R  L  T  R  L  T  R  L  T
face = [1  1 19 10 10 22 19 19 25,...
   2  4 20 11 13 23 20 22 26,...
   3  7 21 12 16 24 21 25 27];

% the standard VLTZSRY order of display, 3 V, 4 L, etc.
%         r  g  b
purple = [.4  0 .6];                       % V -- piece colors
blue   = [0   0  1];                       % L
green  = [0   1 .2];                       % T
yellow = [1   1  0];                       % Z
orange = [.9 .5  0];                       % S
red    = [1   0  0];                       % R
violet = [1   0  1];                       % Y
white  = [1   1  1];                       % empty

pc = [purple; purple; purple
   blue;   blue;   blue;   blue
   green;  green;  green;  green
   yellow; yellow; yellow; yellow
   orange; orange; orange; orange
   red;    red;    red;    red
   violet; violet; violet; violet];

for c = 1:27
   soltn = Data.sol(c);
   set(Data.squarelet(soltn), 'facecolor', pc(c,:));
   for d = 1:27
      if soltn == face(d)
         set(Data.trp(d), 'facecolor', pc(c,:));

%%%%% LocalRXY %%%%%
function newp = LocalRXY(oldp)
% PURPOSE: rotate a cube in the xy plane

tx = [ 3  6  9   2  5  8   1  4  7,...
   12 15 18  11 14 17  10 13 16,...
   21 24 27  20 23 26  19 22 25];

newp = tx(oldp);

%%%%% LocalRYZ %%%%%
function newp = LocalRYZ(oldp)
% PURPOSE: rotate a cube in the xy plane

tx = [7 8 9  16 17 18  25 26 27,...
   4 5 6  13 14 15  22 23 24,...
   1 2 3  10 11 12  19 20 21];     % rotation y to z

newp = tx(oldp);

%%%%% LocalInitFig %%%%%
function LocalInitFig
cubie = [0 0; 0 1; 1 1; 1 0; 0 0];    % to draw a little square

% physical layout of cubies to form sliced display of 3x3 cube
cube  = [0 0; 1 0; 2 0;   0 1; 1 1; 2 1;   0 2; 1 2;  2 2
   4 0; 5 0; 6 0;   4 1; 5 1; 6 1;   4 2; 5 2;  6 2
   8 0; 9 0; 10 0;  8 1; 9 1; 10 1;  8 2; 9 2; 10 2];

%         r  g  b
purple = [.4  0 .6];                       % V -- piece colors
blue   = [0   0  1];                       % L
green  = [0   1 .2];                       % T
yellow = [1   1  0];                       % Z
orange = [.9 .5  0];                       % S
red    = [1   0  0];                       % R
violet = [1   0  1];                       % Y
white  = [1   1  1];                       % empty

v = [1 0; 0 0; 0 1];                       % to draw a V
l = [v; 0 2];                              % add a cubie and get an L
t = [0 1; 1 1; 2 1; 1 0];                  % to draw a T
z = [0 1; 1 1; 1 0; 2 0];                  % to draw a Z
s = [v; 1.2  .2];                          % add a cubie and get an S
r = [v;  .2 1.2];                          % add a cubie and get an R
y = [v;  .2  .2];                          % add a cubie and get a Y

xv = cubie(:,1);                           % x vector to drive patch()
yv = cubie(:,2);                           % y vector to drive patch()

backcolor  = [1 1 1];                      % white
backcolor  = [.8 .8 .8];                   % grey

screenpos = 300;                           % about the middle
screenx = 700;                             % about half
screeny = 500;                             % about half

axescolor = [1 1 1];

figh = figure(...
   'Color'   , backcolor,...
   'NumberTitle','off', ...
   'Toolbar', 'none', ...
   'CloseRequestFcn','soma Close', ...
   'Name'    , getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:TitleSomaCubeSolutions')));

ax2 = axes(...
   'Units'   ,    'normalized',...
   'Position', [0.05 .05 0.7 0.25]  ,...
   'Color'   , axescolor);
axis([0 1 0 1]);

text(.5,.5,{getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelSomaCube'));' '; ...
   getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelLongDescription'))}, ...
   'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
   'color', 'black');

ax = axes(...
   'Units'   ,    'normalized',...
   'Position', [0.05 .3 0.7 0.7]  ,...
   'Color'   ,    axescolor);

axis image ;
axis([0 1 0 .6]);

buttonx      = .80;
buttony      = .95;
buttonwidth  = 0.15;
buttonheight = 0.08;
spacing = 0.03;
sn = 1;
% following are the active elements for user control
uicontrol(figh,...                  % decrement solution selection
   'Style'   , 'frame',...
   'Units'   , 'normalized',...
   'Position', [buttonx-0.01,0.05,buttonwidth+0.02,0.9]);

pt = uicontrol(figh,...                    % slider title
   'Style', 'text',...
   'String', getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelSolutionNumber')),...
   'Units',  'normalized',...
   'Position',[buttonx,buttony-buttonheight-spacing, ...
pn = uicontrol(figh,...                    % visible solution number
   'Style',  'text',...
   'String', getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelNOf240',num2str(1))),...
   'Units',  'normalized',...
   'Position',[buttonx, buttony-2*buttonheight-spacing, ...

decr = uicontrol(figh,...                  % decrement solution selection
   'Style'   , 'pushbutton',...
   'Units'   , 'normalized',...
   'String'  , getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelPrevious')),...
   'Position',[buttonx, buttony-3*buttonheight-2*spacing, ...
   buttonwidth,buttonheight], ...
   'Callback', 'soma Previous');

incr = uicontrol(figh,...                  % increment solution selection
   'Style'   , 'pushbutton',...
   'Units'   , 'normalized',...
   'String'  , getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelNext')),...
   'Position',[buttonx, buttony-4*buttonheight-3*spacing, ...
   buttonwidth,buttonheight], ...
   'Callback', 'soma Next');

pq = uicontrol(figh   ,...                 % the [quit] button
   'Style'          , 'pushbutton',...
   'Units'          , 'normalized',...
   'String'         , getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelClose')),...
   'Position'       , [buttonx, 0.05+spacing,buttonwidth,buttonheight],...
   'Callback'       ,'soma Close');

pq = uicontrol(figh   ,...                 % the info button
   'Style'          , 'pushbutton',...
   'Units'          , 'normalized',...
   'String'         , getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelInfo')),...
   'Position'       , [buttonx, 0.05+2*spacing+buttonheight, ...
   'Callback'       ,'soma Info');

rot1 = uicontrol(figh,...                  % rotate solution xy
   'Style',    'pushbutton',...
   'Units',    'normalized',...
   'String',   getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelRotateRight')),...
   'Position', [.575, .72, .15, .08],...
   'Callback','soma RotateXY');

rot2 = uicontrol(figh,...                  % rotate solution yz
   'Style',    'pushbutton',...
   'Units',    'normalized',...
   'Position', [.44, .58, .15, .08],...
   'String',   getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelRotateDown')),...
   'Callback', 'soma RotateYZ');

sqsize = 0.03;                       % edge of a squarelet

dy3 = 1;                             % y posit for sample title
dy2 = dy3+1;                         % y posit for name of sample
dy  = dy2+1;                          % y posit for sample pieces
dx  = 4;                             % x posit for sample pieces

text('position', [dx+.5 dy2]*sqsize,  'string', 'V', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:3                          % paint a sample V
   xx = xv+v(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+v(c,2)+dy;
   pv = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, purple);

dx = dx + 4;
text('position', [dx+.5 dy2]*sqsize,  'string', 'L', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:4                          % paint a sample  L
   xx = xv+l(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+l(c,2)+dy;
   ph = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, blue);

dx = dx + 4;
text('position', [dx+1 dy2]*sqsize,  'string', 'T', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:4                          % paint a sample T
   xx = xv+t(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+t(c,2)+dy;
   pt = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, green);

dx = dx + 4;
text('position', [dx+1 dy2]*sqsize, 'string', 'Z', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:4                          % paint a sample Z
   xx = xv+z(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+z(c,2)+dy;
   pz = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, yellow);

dx = dx + 4;
text('position', [dx+.5 dy2]*sqsize, 'string', 'S', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:4                          % paint a sample S
   xx = xv+s(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+s(c,2)+dy;
   ps = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, orange);

dx = dx + 4;
text('position', [dx+.5 dy2]*sqsize, 'string', 'R', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:4                          % paint a sample R
   xx = xv+r(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+r(c,2)+dy;
   pr = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, red);

dx = dx + 4;
text('position', [dx+.5 dy2]*sqsize, 'string', 'Y', 'color', 'black');
for c = 1:4                          % paint a sample Y
   xx = xv+y(c,1)+dx;
   yy = yv+y(c,2)+dy;
   py = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, violet);
text('position', [14.5 dy3]*sqsize,...
   'string', getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelSomaCubePieces')),...
   'color', 'black');

% paint an empty solution in three layers
% cube(i,1) is a sequence of x positions outlining squarelet i [1:27]
% cube(i,2) is a sequence of y positions outlining squarelet 1 [1:27]
for c = 1:27                                  % cycle through cubies
   xx = xv+cube(c,1)+5;                      % x trace for cubie c
   yy = yv+cube(c,2)+12;                     % y trace + move image up 6
   squarelet(c) = patch(xx*sqsize, yy*sqsize, white);

% paint an empty cube in 3 d

c = cos(pi/6);                                % 30 degrees
s = sin(pi/6);
x1 = [0 c c 0 0];                             % trace a facelet on right
y1 = [0 s c+s c 0];
x2 = -x1;                                     % trace a facelet on left
x3 = [0 c 0 -c 0];                            % trace a facelet on top
y3 = [ 0 s 2*s s 0]+3*c;
dx3 = 22;                                     % place 3d image on screen
dy3 = 11;
x1 = x1 + dx3;
x2 = x2 + dx3;
x3 = x3 + dx3;
y1 = y1 + dy3;
y3 = y3 + dy3;

k = 1;                                          % 27 visible facelets
for x = 0:2
   for y = 0:2
      px = x1+x*c;
      py = y1+y*c+x*s;
      trp(k) = patch(px*sqsize, py*sqsize, [1 1 1]);      % on right R
      k = k + 1;
      px = x2-x*c;
      trp(k) = patch(px*sqsize, py*sqsize, [1 1 1]);      % on left  L
      k = k + 1;
      px = x3+x*c-y*c;
      py = y3+y*s+x*s;
      trp(k) = patch(px*sqsize, py*sqsize, [1 1 1]);      % on top   T
      k = k + 1;

gox = 11*sqsize;
goy = .48;
line1 = text(gox, goy,'',...
   'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
   'color', 'black', ...

line2 = text(.5, .58,...
   'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
   'color', 'black');

layerx = .15;
layery = .32;
lw = sqsize*4;
line3 = text(layerx+.005, layery, getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelBottom')), 'color', 'black');
line4 = text(layerx+lw+.01, layery, getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelMiddle')), 'color', 'black');
line5 = text(layerx+2*lw+.025, layery, getString(message('MATLAB:demos:soma:LabelTop')), 'color', 'black');

Patches = findobj(figh,'Type','patch');

Data.pn = pn;
Data.sn = sn;
Data.sols = somasols;
Data.sol = Data.sols(1,:);
Data.squarelet = squarelet;
Data.trp = trp;

