www.gusucode.com > demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/ssinit.m

    function stopFlag = ssinit(figNumber)
%SSINIT Initialize the Slide Show figure
%   stopFlag = SSINIT(figNumber) interacts with the function
%   SSHOW to initialize the Slide Show figure with the appropriate
%   information. Its sole purpose is to exit the demo script after the
%   initial plot and text are displayed, thereby allowing the user
%   to decide if they want to see the demo.

%   Ned Gulley, 6-21-93
%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

% If figNumber is zero, the demo will run without the GUI shell.
if figNumber == 0,
   % The stopFlag must be set to one even though in this case the demo
   % will NOT stop. This allows the first screen to plot properly when
   % running the demo from the command line.
   stopFlag = 1;
   axHndl = gca;
   hndlList = get(figNumber,'UserData');
   startHndl = hndlList(2);
   % The UserData for the Start button is the Init Flag.
   % If it is high, then we SHOULD set stopFlag to high (and thus
   % exit the demo script early).
   if get(startHndl,'UserData'),
      % Set the UserData of the start button.
      set(startHndl, ...
         'UserData',0, ...
         'String',getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelStart')), ...
      stopFlag = 1;
      % If the initialization screen has already been placed,
      % then keep executing the script.
      stopFlag = 0;
      % Once we start the slide show, the Start button should
      % change to a "Reset" button. Also, set its "interruptible"
      % property to off so we don't cause problems later on with
      % user double-clicks.
      set(startHndl, ...
         'String',getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelReset')), ...
end    % if figNumber == 0 ...