www.gusucode.com > demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/vibes.m

    function vibes
%VIBES  Vibrating L-shaped membrane.
% This demonstration solves the wave equation for the vibrations
% of an L-shaped membrane.  The solution is expressed as a linear
% combination, with time-dependent coefficients, of two-dimensional
% spatial eigenfunctions.  The eigenfunctions are computed during
% initialization by the function MEMBRANE.  The first of these
% eigenfunctions, the fundamental mode, is the MathWorks logo.
% The L-shaped geometry is of particular interest mathematically because
% the stresses approach infinity near the reentrant corner.  Conventional
% finite difference and finite element methods require considerable
% time and storage to achieve reasonable accuracy.  The approach used
% here employs Bessel functions with fractional order to match the
% corner singularity.

%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Eigenvalues.
lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, ...
   29.5214811, 31.9126360, 41.4745099, 44.948488, ...
   5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];

% Eigenfunctions
for k = 1:12
   L{k} = membrane(k);

% Get coefficients from eigenfunctions.
for k = 1:12
   c(k) = L{k}(25,23)/3;

% Set graphics parameters.
fig = figure('Toolbar','none') ;
x = (-15:15)/15;
h = surf(x,x,L{1});
[a,e] = view;
axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]);
caxis(26.9*[-1.5 1]);
axis off

% Buttons
uicontrol('pos',[20 20 60 20],'string',getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelDoneLC')),'fontsize',12, ...
uicontrol('pos',[20 40 60 20],'string',getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelSlowerLC')),'fontsize',12, ...
uicontrol('pos',[20 60 60 20],'string',getString(message('MATLAB:demos:shared:LabelFasterLC')),'fontsize',12, ...

% Run
t = 0;
dt = 0.025;
while ishandle(fig)
   % Coefficients
   dt = get(fig,'userdata');
   t = t + dt;
   s = c.*sin(sqrt(lambda)*t);
   % Amplitude
   A = zeros(size(L{1}));
   for k = 1:12
      A = A + s(k)*L{k};
   % Velocity
   s = lambda .*s;
   V = zeros(size(L{1}));
   for k = 1:12
      V = V + s(k)*L{k};
   V(16:31,1:15) = NaN;
   % Surface plot of height, colored by velocity.