www.gusucode.com > elmat工具箱matlab源码程序 > elmat/freqspace.m

    function [f1,f2] = freqspace(n,flag)
%FREQSPACE Frequency spacing for frequency response.
%   FREQSPACE returns the implied frequency range for equally spaced
%   frequency responses.  FREQSPACE is useful when creating desired
%   frequency responses for FSAMP2, FWIND1, and FWIND2 as well as
%   for various 1-D applications.
%   [F1,F2] = FREQSPACE(N) returns the 2-D frequency range vectors
%   F1 and F2 for an N-by-N matrix.
%   [F1,F2] = FREQSPACE([M N]) returns the 2-D frequency range 
%   vectors for an M-by-N matrix.
%   For N odd,  both F1 and F2 are equal to (-1+1/n:2/n:1-1/n).
%   For N even, both F1 and F2 are equal to (-1    :2/n:1-2/n).
%   [F1,F2] = FREQSPACE(...,'meshgrid') is equivalent to
%       [F1,F2] = freqspace(...);
%       [F1,F2] = meshgrid(F1,F2);
%   F = FREQSPACE(N) returns the 1-D frequency vector F assuming N
%   equally spaced points around the unit circle. For N even or odd, 
%   F = (0:2/N:1). For N even, F contains (N+2)/2 points. For N odd,
%   F contains (N+1)/2 points.
%   F = FREQSPACE(N,'whole') returns all N equally spaced points
%   around the unit circle. In this case, F = (0:2/N:2*(N-1)/N).
%   Class support for inputs M,N:
%      float: double, single
%   See also FSAMP2, FWIND1, FWIND2.
%   Note: FSAMP2, FWIND1 and FWIND2 are in the Image Processing Toolbox.

%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. 

if length(n)==1 && nargout>1, n = [n n]; end
if nargin>1,
  if ~ischar(flag),

if nargout>1,
  f1 = ((0:n(2)-1)-floor(n(2)/2))*(2/(n(2)));
  f2 = ((0:n(1)-1)-floor(n(1)/2))*(2/(n(1)));
  if nargin>1,
    [f1,f2] = meshgrid(f1,f2);
  if nargin>1,
    f1 = (0:2/n:2*(n-1)/n);
    if length(n)==1 && n==0,
      f1 = zeros(1,0,class(n));
      f1 = (0:2/n:1);