www.gusucode.com > elmat工具箱matlab源码程序 > elmat/logspace.m

    function y = logspace(d1, d2, n)
%LOGSPACE Logarithmically spaced vector.
%   LOGSPACE(X1, X2) generates a row vector of 50 logarithmically
%   equally spaced points between decades 10^X1 and 10^X2.  If X2
%   is pi, then the points are between 10^X1 and pi.
%   LOGSPACE(X1, X2, N) generates N points.
%   For N = 1, LOGSPACE returns 10^X2.
%   Class support for inputs X1,X2:
%      float: double, single
%   See also LINSPACE, COLON.

%   Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. 

if nargin == 2
    n = 50;

if d2 == pi || d2 == single(pi) 
    d2 = log10(d2);

y = 10 .^ linspace(d1, d2, n);