www.gusucode.com > elmat工具箱matlab源码程序 > elmat/ndgrid.m

    function varargout = ndgrid(varargin)
%NDGRID Rectangular grid in N-D space
%   [X1,X2,X3,...] = NDGRID(x1gv,x2gv,x3gv,...) replicates the grid vectors 
%   x1gv,x2gv,x3gv,...  to produce the coordinates of a rectangular grid 
%   (X1,X2,X3,...).  The i-th dimension of the output array Xi are copies
%   of elements of the grid vector xigv. For example, the grid vector x1gv 
%   forms the rows of X1, the grid vector x2gv forms the columns of X2 etc. 
%   [X1,X2,...] = NDGRID(xgv) is equivalent to [X1,X2,...] = NDGRID(xgv,xgv,...).
%   The dimension of the output is determined by the number of output
%   arguments. X1 = NDGRID(xgv) degenerates to produce a 1-D grid represented
%   by a 1-D array.
%   The coordinate arrays are typically used for the evaluation of functions 
%   of several variables and for surface and volumetric plots.
%   NDGRID and MESHGRID are similar, though NDGRID supports 1-D to N-D while 
%   MESHGRID is restricted to 2-D and 3-D. In 2-D and 3-D the coordinates 
%   output by each function are the same, the difference is the shape of the 
%   output arrays. For grid vectors x1gv, x2gv and x3gv of length M, N and P 
%   respectively, NDGRID(x1gv, x2gv) will output arrays of size M-by-N while 
%   MESHGRID(x1gv, x2gv) outputs arrays of size N-by-M. Similarly,
%   NDGRID(x1gv, x2gv, x3gv) will output arrays of size M-by-N-by-P while 
%   MESHGRID(x1gv, x2gv, x3gv) outputs arrays of size N-by-M-by-P.
%   Example: Evaluate the function  x2*exp(-x1^2-x2^2-x^3) over the
%            range  -2 < x1 < 2,  -2 < x2 < 2, -2 < x3 < 2,
%       [x1,x2,x3] = ndgrid(-2:.2:2, -2:.25:2, -2:.16:2);
%       z = x2 .* exp(-x1.^2 - x2.^2 - x3.^2);
%       slice(x2,x1,x3,z,[-1.2 .8 2],2,[-2 -.2])
%   Class support for inputs x1gv,x2gv,x3gv,...
%      float: double, single
%      integer: uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64

%   Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. 

if nargin==0 || (nargin > 1 && nargout > nargin)
nout = max(nargout,nargin);
if nargin==1
    if nargout < 2
        varargout{1} = varargin{1}(:);    
        j = ones(nout,1);
        siz(1:nout) = numel(varargin{1});
    j = 1:nout;
    siz = cellfun(@numel,varargin);

varargout = cell(1,max(nargout,1));
if nout == 2 % Optimized Case for 2 dimensions
    x = full(varargin{j(1)}(:));
    y = full(varargin{j(2)}(:)).';
    varargout{1} = repmat(x,size(y));
    varargout{2} = repmat(y,size(x));
    for i=1:max(nargout,1)
        x = full(varargin{j(i)});
        s = ones(1,nout); 
        s(i) = numel(x);
        x = reshape(x,s);
        s = siz; 
        s(i) = 1;
        varargout{i} = repmat(x,s);