www.gusucode.com > elmat工具箱matlab源码程序 > elmat/squeeze.m

    function b = squeeze(a)
%SQUEEZE Remove singleton dimensions.
%   B = SQUEEZE(A) returns an array B with the same elements as
%   A but with all the singleton dimensions removed.  A singleton
%   is a dimension such that size(A,dim)==1.  2-D arrays are
%   unaffected by squeeze so that row vectors remain rows.
%   For example,
%       squeeze(rand(2,1,3))
%   is 2-by-3.
%   See also SHIFTDIM.

%   Copyright 1984-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. 

if nargin==0 

if ~ismatrix(a)
  siz = size(a);
  siz(siz==1) = []; % Remove singleton dimensions.
  siz = [siz ones(1,2-length(siz))]; % Make sure siz is at least 2-D
  b = reshape(a,siz);
  b = a;