www.gusucode.com > external 工具箱matlab源码程序 > external/interfaces/webservices/http/+matlab/+net/+http/+field/ContentLengthField.m

    classdef ContentLengthField < matlab.net.http.field.IntegerField
% ContentLengthField A Content-Length HTTP header field
%   The ContentLengthField is an HTTP header field in a RequestMessage or
%   ResponseMessage that specifies the length of the payload in bytes.  MATLAB
%   requires all outbound messages with a payload to contain a ContentLengthField: if
%   you don't specify such a field in a message that contains a nonempty body, one
%   will be added based on the length of the data.  For more information about the
%   meaning of this field, see RFC 7231, <a
%  href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2">section 3.3.2</a>.
%   ContentLengthField methods:
%     ContentLengthField   - constructor
%     convert              - return the length as a number
% See also matlab.net.http.RequestMessage, matlab.net.http.ResponseMessage

% Copywrite 2015 The MathWorks, Inc

    methods (Static)
        function names = getSupportedNames
            names = string('Content-Length');
        function obj = ContentLengthField(value)
        % ContentLengthField construct a Content-Length field
        %   The value must be an non-negative integer or string that evaluates to
        %   one.
            if nargin == 0
                value = [];
            obj = obj@matlab.net.http.field.IntegerField('Content-Length', value);