www.gusucode.com > external 工具箱matlab源码程序 > external/interfaces/webservices/http/+matlab/+net/+http/+internal/elementParser.m

    function value = elementParser(str, allowsStruct, useStringMatrix, varargin)
% elementParser implements the behavior documented for
%   matlab.net.http.HeaderField.parseElement, to parse one "element" of a
%   comma-separated list of strings used in header field values.  Factored out here
%   because it is used in places other than HeaderField.  This throws exceptions if
%   the value could not be parsed.
%     elementParser(str, allowsStruct, useStringMatrix, structDelims, structFields)
%   last two parameters are optional.  Default structDelims is ';' and whitespace. If
%   ~allowsStruct or structDelims is [], or strictDelims unspecified and str contains
%   no semicolons or = sign, don't process as struct.
%    useStringMatrix says how to process struct (elements containing name=value pairs)
%      true 
%        returns an n-by-2 matrix of strings containing names and values.  Unnamed
%        struct fields have empty names--structFields is ignored in this case.
%      false
%        returns a struct, with field names (using genvarname) and values.  Unnamed
%        struct fields have names taken from structFields or Arg_1 if missing.
%   FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY -- This function is intentionally undocumented
%   and is intended for use only within the scope of functions and classes
%   in toolbox/matlab/external/interfaces/webservices/http. Its behavior
%   may change, or the function itself may be removed in a future release.

% Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

    if ~isempty(varargin)
        structDelims = varargin{1};
        if length(varargin) > 1
            structFields = string(varargin{2});
    if ischar(str)
        str = string(str);
    if ~useStringMatrix && (~allowsStruct ||  ...
       (isempty(varargin) && ~str.contains(';') && ~str.contains('=')) || ...
       (~isempty(varargin) && isempty(structDelims) && ~ischar(structDelims)))
        % structDelims is [] or unspecified, and string has no semicolons or =
        % This means string is plain value, not struct.
        value = matlab.net.http.internal.unquoteToken(str);
        % structDelims specified or unspecified and string has semicolons or =
        % always return struct (or string matrix)
        if isempty(varargin)
            structDelims = {';','\s+'};
        % Split string at the struct delim.  This gives us a fields array containing
        % each struct member.
        fields = matlab.net.http.internal.delimSplit(str, structDelims); 
        names = cell(1,length(fields));
        if useStringMatrix
            value = strings(length(fields),2);
            value = '';
        if isscalar(fields) && ((isempty(structDelims) && ischar(structDelims)) || ...
                                (isstring(structDelims) && all(structDelims=='')))
            % if only one field and structDelims is '' or "", this means we don't
            % process the field for struct, so just return the value as a string
            value = matlab.net.http.internal.unquoteToken(fields);
        % Now examine each member to see if it's of the form foo=bar
        for i = 1 : length(fields)
            % str is name and value of a field in the form foo=bar
            str = fields(i);
            % See if it's really a name-value pair. Most header field syntaxes
            % disallow whitespace surrounding the = sign, but it doesn't hurt for us
            % to allow it.  In this parse, everything after the first = is the value,
            % but if all the ='s in the string are trailing, and the characters prior
            % to that belong to a certain subset, treat it as a single token.  This
            % handles a token68 string for base64 encoding (RFC 2045, section 6.8)
            % which can have trailing ='s for padding.  This regexp only extracts
            % tokens for name=value and rejects other matches.  We only recognize
            % names containing word characters.
            nv = regexp(str, '^\s*[A-Za-z0-9+/]+=*$|^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$', 'tokens');
            % nv empty if there are no ='s
            % nv{1} empty if it's a base64 string with trailing ='s
            if isempty(nv) || isempty(nv{1}) 
                if ~useStringMatrix
                    % No = in field, its value is the whole field.  Give it
                    % the default name Arg_N or the name from structFields.
                    if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(structFields) || ...
                        length(structFields) < i || isempty(structFields(i)) || structFields(i)==''
                        name = ['Arg_' num2str(i)];
                        name = structFields(i);
                    % if useStringMatrix, name is empty
                    name = ''; 
                val = matlab.net.http.internal.unquoteToken(str);
                % if it had an =, have name and value in nv{1}
                name = nv{1}(1);
                val = matlab.net.http.internal.unquoteToken(nv{1}(2));
            if useStringMatrix
                value(i,1) = name;
                value(i,2) = val; 
                % TBD string
                name = genvarname(char(name), cellstr(names(1:i-1))); %#ok<DEPGENAM>
                % Create and set new struct field 
                value.(name) = string(val);
                names{i} = name;